Bonus Chapter Two

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Jeongguk gets a fever and Taehyung picks him up from college to take care of him. 

Taehyung shut the door behind him, successfully shutting out the gym noises as well. He could hear a dumbbell fall to the floor somewhere but he paid no mind to it as he pressed his phone to his ear, accepting the call he was getting.


The said man's eyebrows furrowed at the weird but familiar voice on the other side of the line. He knew it was Jeongguk on the other side, but his voice sounded off for some reason. "Darling? How are you? I haven't heard of you in a week. I figured you were busy with classes. Everything alright?"

He realized he was rambling but he didn't really care at that moment. He hadn't heard from his boyfriend in what felt like forever and he had been worrying but hadn't dared to bother Jeongguk with it.

He could hear someone else mutter in the background of the call and Jeongguk grumbled at what the person said. "Yeah yeah", Jeongguk told the person before responding to Taehyung, "Actually, I've been kinda getting sick." Jeongguk sniffled, his nose clearly clogged.

"What?" Taehyung leaned his back against the nearby wall.

"Yeah", Jeongguk went on, his voice growing smaller, "It's nothing to be worried about but my ass of a roommate told me to call you because to quote him: I'll be getting him sick as well and I'm not properly looking after myself and he threatened to call you himself."

"Baby", Taehyung spoke, "You haven't been looking after yourself? I thought I told you to call me if things got too much."

"But I'm an adult and I need to be able to do this on my own", Jeongguk whined and it made the other click his tongue.

"When's the last time you had a proper meal?"

"I don't know", Jeongguk dawdled, "Do cup noodles count as proper meals?"

"Absolutely not."

He could almost hear Jeongguk shift from one foot to the other. "Then uh maybe a week ago? I got burgers with Yugyeom back then."

"McDonald's or quality ones?" Taehyung already knew what the answer would be. Knowing Jeongguk, he would just be as happy with McDonald's than with any good place.

Jeongguk gasped, "Excuse me, McDonald's is good." Taehyung was already grabbing his car keys from the counter before snatching his jacket from the hanger. He knew how a sick Jeongguk was, but he didn't know how a sick Jeongguk on his own would be. To his own knowledge, he knew Jeongguk was bad at looking after himself in general, so it'd be worse when he was sick cause being sick meant having even less motivation to eat proper meals.

"I'm coming to pick you up", he finally told the younger when he was already out the door. His gym would be open until 9 pm and it was 1 pm. He had hired new staff ever since Jeongguk left because the boy often acted like staff when he was in the gym.

"What- no!" Jeongguk's noises of protest met silence. Taehyung wasn't having it. He climbed into his car and started the engine while still listening to Jeongguk's weak excuses of protest.

Taehyung let out a deep sigh and it effectively shut Jeongguk up. He then began to speak, "You aren't properly looking after yourself and I know exams are right around the corner so you can just study here while I make sure you get healthy homemade food into your tummy."

"It's nothing serious."

Taehyung didn't take no for an answer and told Jeongguk to get his things ready. He didn't want to think about Jeongguk starving himself just because he was too busy or stressed about exams. He couldn't let his baby go through that.

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