Nobody But Me

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The two heated gazes locked onto each other, one of them displaying pure seething hate and the other merely a reflection of what the boy was projecting onto him.

Hoseok's grin was nothing more than a display of smugness when Jeongguk got scolded by the teacher present in the room. He had, after all, barged into class late asual and wasn't responding to her because the annoying boy was busy having a staring contact with the other trouble maker in the back seat.

"Jeongguk, stop engaging in this petty feud in my classroom and sit your ass down before I'll throw you out and you can spend the rest of class in the hallway writing notes."

The boy glanced over at the teacher and with a low scoff he finally swung his backpack from his shoulder and slid into the seat in the front row, his black hood still on his head to hide the knotted hair he hadn't bothered to brush through.

Class slid by as slowly as a snail would, the comparison ending up in multiple pages of Jeongguk's notebook, the same snail drawn on each page as if it was making its way through the lecture and finish the book.

When the bell rang and the students started to move, the pen finally stopped moving and was thrown into the backpack along with the rest of Jeongguk's stuff.

"Feeling a little grumpy today Jeon?"

The boy wasn't in the mood to deal with Jung Hoseok, especially not when his fist had been itching to punch through a wall ever since stepping into school. Jung Hoseok wasn't as sturdy as a wall and would probably need a little more than some ducktape to be fixed.

An arm was swung around Jeongguk's shoulder in an almost friendly manner. It made Jeongguk's skin itch and he immediately turned around to push the other away from him. "Get away from me freak."

Hoseok's grin brightened, seemingly pleased by the other's response. "And here I was, thinking you wouldn't show up today and I wouldn't have anyone to annoy. What a joyful day for me."

Jeongguk's expression turned sour and with no second thought he spat out the words.
"You definitely annoy yourself on a daily basis Jung and we both know that. That's exactly why you need to focus your attention on others so you won't begin to despise yourself."

It was a low blow from Jeongguk and the boy himself knew that. It was obvious in the way Hoseok's expression hardened and his fists tightened next to his body. Hoseok was never one to physically fight someone, especially not Jeongguk. He only taunted the boy with words and liked bathing in Jeongguk's utter aggravation whenever he had the chance.

Before Hoseok could say anything in return the other had already turned around. "Fuck off and don't bother me anymore."

He strode off, wondering if Hoseok would stoop to his level and attack him from behind. Or maybe yell something Jeongguk's way concerning his mom.

But nothing happened as Jeongguk had expected. No one could stoop as low as him.

⭒❃.✮:▹  ◃:✮.❃⭒

Hoseok hadn't tried bothering him again that day- much to Jeongguk's relief. Besides the annoyance he had faced in the first class of the day, everything else had gone on smoothly.

Lunch time had peacefully passed by with him smoking behind the building after eating the salmon wraps Taehyung had made for him.

After lunch he had hung out with the nurse, successfully skipping P.E. by faking a sore throat and a headache. He really hadn't been in the mood to start shit with the jocks since it was a weekly occurrence to fight them whenever they were in the same room as him which was a given when they had to share a locker room.

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