Bonus Chapter Five

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Last bonus chapter!

"Jeongguk, no, how many times do I have to say no?"

"As many as it takes for you to say yes."

Taehyung glared at the other who was confidently seated in the most horrendous couch he had ever laid eyes upon in his life. "Are you colorblind?" Taehyung exclaimed. He caught one of the employees looking at him and lowered his voice. "We decided on light blue and gray walls in our new living room. And you want to buy a bright red couch?"

"C'mon", Jeongguk whined, slipping lower into the cushions, "It would fit perfectly with that one." The younger one pointed at Ikea's kid section where a kid's couch was standing. It was bright red as well and was shaped like a boxing glove.

"We're not buying that one either", Taehyung grumbled. He was seriously considering just leaving Jeongguk in the store while he drove home.

"Why not? You were a boxing champion, I did boxing for a while, we met and fell in love because of boxing. It's perfect!" Jeongguk whined. He was really testing the waters today, seeing how far he could go before Taehyung would either give in or leave.

"No means no Jeongguk, you think it's fun now but I swear you'd see how horrendously ugly it is after five seconds of it standing in our living room." Taehyung pinched the bridge of his nose.

He knew what a brat Jeongguk could be and so he dropped his shoulders and told himself to cool down before saying. "What about, we decide on another couch but you can choose the decorations?"

Big mistake, Taehyung would later on realize.

When he walked into their new apartment the next day, hoping to find Jeongguk in the kitchen with dinner, he saw the decorations Jeongguk had bought that day. He'd gone out shopping with Hoseok on their free day and he had visited some decoration shops while he was at it.


The younger male who had been in the bedroom going through pinterest - to look for new things to make with his kindergarten kids - bit his lip. He knew it was serious when his boyfriend called him by his first name. Otherwise it was always darling or love, never Jeongguk.

"Yes?" He peeked inside the room, his one eye that was visible meeting Taehyung's annoyed ones. "What's up? Dinner's ready already if that's what you're going to ask."

"Obviously that's not what I was going to ask", Taehyung then stepped forward to grab onto the other's sweater and pull him forward into his arms. Jeongguk shrieked as he met Taehyung's chest before he was lifted and slung onto the man's shoulder.

"What-" Jeongguk watched how the world was upside down now. Taehyung brought them into the living room.

"What's the meaning of this?" Taehyung finally dropped Jeongguk on the lovely not horrendously red couch before pointing at the decorations. The vases, the picture frames, the lamps, the candles, the pillows, everything he could have found to decorate the living room with was a bright red.

"This? This is my red revenge", Jeongguk grinned, "Do you like it? Since I couldn't get the couch, I thought, why not have everything else in red then?"

"Jeongguk", Taehyung pinched his nose, "Why?"

"Because I think it's pretty", Jeongguk's lips pulled down into a frown. Taehyung sighed, "You bought a vase that looks like a boxing glove? How is that pretty?"

Jeongguk let out a sigh before wrapping his fingers around the man's wrist. He tugged softly so the man would sit down beside him before looking at him.

"Because I'm fond of the memories we made and I don't want to forget them. Boxing is what brought us together and it's the thing that first connected us. Red, it's the color I felt for a long time; the anger towards my father, towards my mother's addictions and neglect, towards myself and everyone. But you changed that. Red used to only have a bad definition but then you changed it, you changed my perspectives on myself. Red is love now, and seeing the color makes me happy."

"I-", how could Taehyung possibly react to that? He couldn't be angry with the boy now. God, his heart had squeezed and softened and lurched during the speech. How was he supposed to look at the color now and not adore it?

"I'm not sure-" Taehyung cut himself off. He couldn't continue.

"Did I make you speechless?" Jeongguk guessed, "I don't think I've ever done that before. You always know what to say."

"Not when I'm around you", Taehyung told him, grabbing ahold of the boy's smaller hand, "Not when you're declaring everything so freely. Not when you're being so goddamn lovable."

"So", Jeongguk asked, eyes sparkling with hope, "Can we keep the decorations?"

"Of course we can", Taehyung's lips pulled up in a smile and he was sure his eyes had started to water, "We can buy as much red as you want."

"We don't need to. Because I've got the best red in front of me", Jeongguk smiled, leaning in, "My love, here, right in front of, is all I need."

Taehyung felt the other press his lips to his.

He had changed Jeongguk's life for the better. But little did Jeongguk know that he had changed Taehyung for the better as well. The two of them made each other whole. And their love for each other was red, so red as it could be.

And to the others around them who disapproved of their love; it was a red revenge.

He he he hi I hope you enjoyed the bonus chapters and of course the story as a whole ♡ This will be my last time writing an authors note for red revenge and I had not expected it to be this emotional.

It was a ride. A really long but fun and accomplishing ride. I'm really surprised this story ended up being one of my favorite ones (considering I came up with the idea after being sleep deprived in a car and randomly starting the book without knowing anything but "boxing" "brat Jungkook" "already relationship")

I've got messages from readers telling me this story helped them with their own internalized homophobia and tbh it's all I could wish for. I'm glad my story could help people with their own struggles and I'm glad I didn't give up on the book as I first intended to do. I'm also glad I've got such amazing readers who don't expect me to update daily and who don't complain about plot holes or lack of smut. I'm really glad to have you all ♡

Anyway, this was all. I hope to see you in another book soon! Toodles!

xoxo Rainy

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