For A Moment I Thought

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"Are you sure you'll be fine?"

Hoseok watched the younger boy zip his suitcase shut, the sound of the zipper cutting through the silence. Hoseok didn't want to think how the silence would once again be around him once Jeongguk left his presence. At least Jeongguk had assured him he'd visit lots and they could have sleepovers from time to time.

"For now I'm fine but it'll all depend on what kind of state she's in," Jeongguk admitted once he was sure his suitcase was shut. When he straightened his back he turned on his heels to admire the room one last time. This had been his home for the past weeks. For anyone else, it might have seen as a short time, but the time had been spent making memories both boys wouldn't ever forget.

Jeongguk had beaten Hoseok at every game he owned to the point that Jeongguk got bored of it. They had ordered so much fast food once that the Pizza Hut delivery man had met the McDonalds delivery woman before being cockblocked by the Dominos delivery man. Their tummies had been upset for at least two days after that but they had still done a catch-as-many-Cheetos-in-your-mouth-contest the day after.

Then there was also the time when Hoseok tried explaining to Jeongguk how to use the panini maker and after that needing to order a new one because somehow there was cheese everywhere and it had made the poor panini maker explode.

For some, the memories would be ordinary and bland, but they were fond of them as both Jeongguk and Hoseok weren't used to hanging out with friends.

"If there's something wrong, you can always call me, you know that right?" Hoseok asked as he watched Jeongguk stare at the bedroom as if he was saying goodbye to it. "And you can always come over. It's not like you'll be interrupting me doing anything ever."

Jeongguk turned to the boy and smiled, his smile so genuine it made Hoseok almost emotional. "I will. I promise."

The boys hugged it out after that, both knowing that this was the end of a fantastic journey. Even though the journey had been mental more than anything, it had changed both boys in a way. Jeongguk was good to go, ready to tell his mother that he liked boys and then declare his love to Taehyung for once and for all.

Hoseok still ended up alone, but he was happier now, his friendship with Jeongguk confirmed. He knew he had people to count on that weren't his family only. As much as he loved Yoongi, he couldn't keep bothering his cousin with everything.

"I'm going to call Taehyung on the way to my mom's," Jeongguk said, grabbing the straps of his backpack. "I'll tell him I'm coming home if he still wants me there."

"I'm sure he'll be happy to hear you're coming home." Hoseok smiled before patting the boy on the back. "Now go out and be brave. Your mom is waiting."

"I don't think she is because she doesn't know I'm coming- but sure." Jeongguk chuckled and stepped out of the door. "I'll see you on Monday. Don't forget about our math homework."

"Since when are you the one reminding me?" Hoseok called out once Jeongguk made it down the stairs. He heard the boy laugh and then the front door slam shut, silence once again settling in.

Jeongguk sat on the bus, cheek squished against the window as he watched the apartment buildings fly by. He had his phone pressed against his ear as he listened to the endless ringing coming from the other end of the line. Then a beep, and he ended the call.

Taehyung wasn't picking up and after calling three times he decided he should give up for now. The man was probably busy at work and he was known for keeping a focus once he was in his element.

Jeongguk sighed and felt the coolness of the window against his skin. He really hoped his mom would be home and sober enough to listen to him. He wasn't sure if he was going to tell her if she turned out be drugged or drunk because he wouldn't feel like it was fair that way.

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