Even When I Turned My Back On You

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The next morning, as Jeongguk recapped the emotions of the night before, Taehyung was taking a shower, starting to get ready for the day as if nothing had happened. It saddened Jeongguk to think that Taehyung tried to hide his feelings for the younger, feeling as if he had to remain strong. It wasn't fair, Jeongguk thought, it wasn't fair to either of them.

"C'mon darling, out of bed. Aren't you curious to see what mom has made this morning?"

He hadn't even noticed Taehyung stepping into the room, clad in sweats and a red Christmas jumper. His thin-framed glasses rested on top of his nose, fogged from laying in the bathroom during the shower. "I sure am."

Jeongguk repressed the deep sigh that wanted to escape him and instead offered a small smile to his boyfriend. There wasn't a single trace left from what happened last night and Jeongguk wasn't sure if that was a good thing.

Either way, he did start to get ready for breakfast since the waffle smell had made its way into the bedroom from all the way downstairs. His stomach began grumbling at the thought of maple syrup and he almost stumbled over his two feet as they got caught by his jeans.

Taehyung snickered from where he was combing his hair, having seen Jeongguk's stumbling in the reflection of the mirror. "That waffle scent really riled you up."

"Shut up." Jeongguk mumbled, now finally content with his two legs into the pair of jeans and ready to head for breakfast. "I'm sure I can race you downstairs and gobble up two waffles before you even get there."

"I'm sure you'll fall flat on your face and break your neck running downstairs. Let's not start the day like that, shall we?"

Jeongguk snorted but patiently waited for Taehyung anyway before they descended the stairs together, their noses following the waffle scent into the kitchen.

Mrs. Kim turned around the sound of the two men entering the kitchen. "Good morning mom." Taehyung said as he pecked the woman's cheek.

"Oh son, could you check the mailbox for me, dear? It's awfully slippery outside and I'm afraid to break a bone."

"So you want me to break one?" Taehyung chuckled as he ducked his mother's playful slap. "I'm on it."

Taehyung disappeared out of the kitchen, but not before having stuck his finger in the waffle batter and licking it off on his way out. Jeongguk rolled his eyes at his boyfriend's sneaky behavior before joining Mrs. Kim at the counter.

"Anything I can do?" He asked her, eyes fixed on the waffle maker. The scent wafting from it was delicious and made his mouth water.

"No dear, I have everything under control." The woman turned to him and before Jeongguk could do anything she had grabbed his shoulders and was watching him with utmost precision. "What is wrong Jeongguk? You look a bit lost."

"Ah." Jeongguk shrunk into himself, wondering how she had so quickly caught onto him. "It's just-"

"Is it about Taehyung?" She asked before releasing his shoulders when a suspicious amount of smoke began escaping the waffle maker.

Jeongguk watched her save the waffles before pouring new batter into the thing. "I heard his grandfather called."

Taehyung's mother froze for a second until she hummed. "I see. You're worried about him". Her eyes searched for his but Jeongguk couldn't hide his sad expression.

"Taehyung doesn't often show his emotions and so when he does, I'm worried for him. I want to help but I know I can't, no one can", he told her.

"The only thing you can do Jeongguk, is making sure he knows you're there for him. I know Taehyung thinks he should protect you and be strong for your sake, but inside I can feel him hurting."

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