Because I've Got All These

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Jeongguk couldn't believe he'd be leaving for college in less than a month. He hadn't expected to ever say those words out loud. "We're leaving for college in a month." Hoseok looked at him from across the couch, a bowl of salted potato chips resting in his lap.

"You've been saying that every damn day since graduation", the boy commented before flicking a chip Jeongguk's way.

"That's because every day I can't believe this is still happening. We're going to actual college- I mean, it's not a surprise for you mister rich kid, but for me, I'm going to an actual college to do some actual studying and get an actual degree in something."

Hoseok grabbed a handful of chips and munched them down. "I thought you already had a degree in being an absolute twat." He caught the boy's pointy look and grinned with satisfaction, his mouth still full with food. Jeongguk lightly pushed Hoseok's legs from his lap. "Ha ha, very funny."

College nearing so quickly was both extremely exciting and petrifying. He'd be leaving Taehyung behind for a minimum of three years and he'd be living in a dorm, on his own, without Taehyung's presence there to guide him and calm him down when things got rough. "Good thing I'll be nearby," Hoseok spoke up, watching Jeongguk grimace from his spot on the couch. "And Taehyung will only be two hours away, tops."

Taehyung told him he'd try to visit him at weekends as much as possible. Jeongguk made the same promise.

"I just- am so used to having him around. I haven't been away from him for more than a few weeks when I ran away but besides that, he's always been there with me." Jeongguk began fiddling with his fingers, sudden anxiety rushing through his veins. "What if something happens at the gym? What if something happens with mom? I'll be so far away."

"Hey, hey." Hoseok set his bowl aside and crawled closer to the other, feeling Jeongguk was about to panic. He let a hand rest on top of Jeongguk's trembling one. "It's not like college is on the other end of the world. You can facetime often and I bet your ass he'll be calling you every other night because he misses you."

"And don't forget." He straightened his back. "I will be there to make your life so much better. I am, after all, the sunshine in your life."

Jeongguk's ears perked up at that. He had been called the sun in Taehyung's life multiple times now – well actually any time he traced Taehyung's tattoo in bed or when he stepped out of the shower, knowing Taehyung will tell him he's the sun and damn, if Jeongguk didn't love tracing that tattoo for this exact reason. "You seem happier all of a sudden", Hoseok noticed, "Because you realized I am indeed the sun in your life?"

Jeongguk rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Sure, whatever makes you sleep at night." He pushed the boy's hand away. "Let's just continue what we were talking about- what was it exactly?"

"I can't remember now." Hoseok puffed out air. "Something about Jimin's wedding? Oh! I asked you about marrying Taehyung-"

"To which I responded that I am too young to think about that", Jeongguk repeated his words from earlier, "And it isn't exactly legal here."

"Maybe in a few years," Hoseok told him, his voice a bit too hopeful. Jeongguk didn't like to hope too much.

"Then I'll think about it in a few years", he retorted, "But it seems highly unlikely. I did my research. At the moment people are still wary of anyone in the LGBT community."

"You could always just do a ceremony," Hoseok suggested. "I'll do a ceremonial course and marry you two!"

Jeongguk snorted at the offer. "You'd do better work as a bridesmaid."

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