You Pull Me Through It

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"You look like a Christmas tree."

Jeongguk turned to his boyfriend whose eyes were trained on the road ahead of them. "What?" Taehyung glanced to the side and released one hand, previously resting on the steering wheel, and slipped it onto Jeongguk's thigh.

"You look cute though," Taehyung replied and gave the thick flesh a short squeeze.

Jeongguk looked down at his outfit with a frown, realizing he maybe shouldn't have worn brown pants and a green Christmas sweater. "I really do look like a Christmas tree, don't I?"

Taehyung chuckled and released his thigh, putting the hand back on the steering wheel as they neared a sharp turn. "Maybe my mom can water your feet."

"Ha ha very funny," Jungkook said though he snorted at the image of Taehyung's mother grabbing a watering can and dumping the water on his shoes. "Is it really alright that we didn't bring any presents? It feels wrong to arrive empty-handed."

"You know how mom is," Taehyung spoke and it made Jungkook click his tongue, remembering the words Taehyung's mother said each time he asked that same question.

"Having you two home for the holidays is the best present you can give me." Jungkook mimicked Taehyung's mom and giggled after. "Do you think she made her famous tiramisu?"

"Since I told her you have been whining about it for the past two weeks, I'd be surprised if she didn't end up making it."

"Taehyungg." Jungkook whined and his bottom lip jutted out. "You told her that?"

The older man chuckled and again his hand left to squeeze the boy's thigh. Jeongguk knew Taehyung had a slight obsession for his thighs after all. "Of course I did, my big pouting baby," Taehyung said. "I just want my darling happy, and my mom wants to achieve the exact same thing."

The trip to Taehyung's house took a few hours and they had prepared enough playlists for the trip to last a week. Jeongguk had drunk a lot of coffee beforehand to get himself psyched for the Christmas party and he could feel the energy rush through his veins.

One moment he was bellowing the lyrics to Mariah Carey's All I want for Christmas, and the next moment he was fast asleep, his cheek squished against the car window. Taehyung rolled his eyes when he noticed he was now the only one awake but he turned up the heater so his little one wouldn't get cold during his nap.

Snowflakes started falling once they neared Taehyung's street. The houses and porches were already covered in a thin blanket of snow and Taehyung lowered his speed to make sure the car wouldn't slip on the road.

Taehyung's family home was, like always, decorated in red and yellow lights while a big blow-up snowman stood outside on the porch. It was truly a sight for sore eyes but Taehyung knew it made his mother happy to have this much light around the house.

"Darling." Jeongguk felt a soft poke on his cheek and he grunted in dissatisfaction. His head was fuzzy and the air around his warm so why the heck would he want to open his eyes and be met with life?

"My mom's already standing at the window. Wake up little one." Taehyung nudged him a few more times until he decided enough was enough and he got out of the car.

Jeongguk could vaguely hear the car door slam shut and before he could process anything else, the door to his side opened and something cold and wet was pushed against his nose.

He woke up with a start and his eyes flew open when he realized that Taehyung had pushed a handful of snow into his face. "What the fuck." He muttered as he watched Taehyung laugh and throw a snowball against his side before running to the front door.

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