32: Heavy Rain

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On the last day of training, Coach Qi Na had brought the Yu Qing team with her up in the mountains for their last training sessions whereas Yu Feng continued theirs at the tennis courts. Jia Li and Xing Zi were at the dining table, patiently waiting for Qi Ying to finish what she was cooking. She had the two older girls curious at how appetizing her dishes could be. She emerged from the kitchen, holding a bowl and placed it between Xing Zi and Jia Li. Xing Zi opened the lid and Jia Li could smell the aroma that made her stomach grumble.

"This smells so good, Qi Ying!" Xing Zi gasped. "I didn't know you can cook this well."

Qi Ying proudly smiled but eventually fell into a series of coughs. These past days, Qi Ying's cough had gotten worse, probably turning into a fever. Jia Li frowned at the girl with worry as Xing Zi rubbed her back, asking if she was alright.

Suddenly, thunder rumbled loudly and the skies became dark as lightning glared and rain began pouring down, gradually getting heavier. Jia Li became worried for the boys, hoping they could make it back to the cabin, knowing how they wouldn't stop practicing despite this kind of weather.

"It's raining." Qi Ying gasped, parting her lips. "I'm going to bring some umbrellas to the boys."

She began to walk away but Xing Zi stopped her, "Ah! Don't worry, I'm sure they'll be back in a bit."

"But they have matches tomorrow. What if they catch a cold?" Qi Ying argued.

"You're the one who's going to catch a cold if you're going out in this type of weather." Jia Li pointed out, standing up from her seat. "You haven't been feeling well already these days, Qi Ying. It'll only worsen if you go out."

But because of her stubbornness, Qi Ying pushed past Xing Zi and ran away, definitely going to grab some umbrellas and look for the guys.

Xing Zi yelled after her and both girls immediately followed with Xing Zi grabbing some umbrellas as well. Unfortunately, Qi Ying had already gone away, and the two girls met Lu Xia and Mu, who had arrived. Xing Zi looked around worriedly, "Did you not see Qi Ying?"

"Isn't she here?" Lu Xia asked, freezing in his place.

"She went out to give you umbrellas." Xing Zi answered with worry. "She probably just left."

As soon as Xing Zi said that, Lu Xia dashed outside before anyone could stop him. Jia Li grumbled under breath at how these two were too stubborn.

"It's raining so much, give me an umbrella!" Mu explained, who was completely soaked.

"I'll let the others know." Xing Zi handed him one and before Jia Li could ask for herself too, Xing Zi had already left.

Jia Li exhaled deeply and looked at the boy beside her, quickly putting on the hoodie of her sweater, "Mu, go and look for the two at the direction where you guys came from. I'm going at the other one."

"But you don't have an umbrella, Senior. You'll get sick!" Mu stated, noticing her attire in just a sweater and shorts.

"I won't." She stated firmly. "If you get back here with no sign of the two or me, quickly inform Coach Qi Na and Seniors Si Yang and Jia Le, okay?" Mu nodded and they both set off in different paths.

Meanwhile, Xing Zi went back to the entrance only to find that Jia Li wasn't there. She asked her brother if he had seen her friend, but he only replied that none of them saw her since they arrived. Her eyes snapped widely when she saw the rest of Yu Qing's team arrived.

"Ah, the rain is too strong!" Qiao Chen groaned, shaking his wet hair.

Xing Zi looked over at them and frowned, "Have you guys seen Jia Li on your way back?"

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