48: Semifinals Day (Part IV)

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"I'm going to watch from the bleachers, are you coming?" Zhuo Yu asked.

Jia Li shook her head with a small smile, "I need to take photos."

He nodded and slung his tennis bag over his shoulder, "I'll see you then later, Senior."

As he left, Zhuo Zhi had already walked to the court. Whilst he was waiting, his opponent was peacefully sleeping behind the bench using his tennis bag as a makeshift pillow. Jia Li chuckled to herself as Jing Wu woke him up by pulling his ear.

Dazzling the entire crowd at the first serve, Jia Li gaped in awe as Zhuo Zhi improvised a unique way of serving. Instead of the usual throwing the ball high in the air, he dropped it in a spinning motion before hitting it with his racket — the 'Slice' serve. Xing Yao's player, Song Ci, ran forward to hit it. But to his amazement, the ball disappeared and then bounced behind him.

Song Ci gasped, turning around multiple times, searching where the ball went. Zhuo Zhi snickered at him, "My serve can disappear."

Show off. Jia Li snorted to herself.

"Did you see that serve?" Song Ci excitedly turned to his team, pointing his racket at Zhuo Zhi who just snickered. "He is so fabulous! Captain Ji Jing Wu, you weren't joking, he is really amazing!"

"Jing Wu told Song Ci that Zhuo Zhi's amazing?" Jia Li muttered to herself, pulling a funny face. She couldn't imagine him complementing people other than himself.

Besides Zhuo Zhi, Song Ci also dazzled the crowd in amazement, flexibly returning the balls that Zhuo Zhi threw at him whether it be through a weird position such as twirling like a ballerina or stumbling himself but still able to return the balls.

Her lips parted as she watched Zhuo Zhi play seriously for the first time, restricting his opponent to remain at the baseline in order to prevent him from using his technique which was the 'Serve and Volley' move.

Jia Li blinked, eyes glancing at Zhuo Yu's figure, sitting beside Xiu Wen, "Is he playing seriously because he knows Zhuo Yu is watching him?"

"Lu Xia," Zhuo Zhi called to which she snapped back her attention to him. She slightly shivered as clouds blocked the sunlight, emitting cool breeze to kiss her skin, blowing her hair. "Since you've already seen my 'Bear Growl' and 'Shallows Return', I'm going to show you now the last of my three returns — the 'White Whale'."

This guy has too many secret techniques in his sleeves.

His 'White Whale' technique flew straight past Song Ci's face upwards, landing on his backcourt then bounced back to him, which he casually caught with his left hand that was extended in front of him. The ball indeed returned.

"This is the third kind of returns — the 'White Whale'." Zhuo Zhi smirked at Song Ci, who had frozen in shock, mouth wide open. He dropped his hand and felt the wind blowing again. "The wind is still blowing, let me play it again with the wind."

Jia Li pursed her lips, suppressing a smile. Maybe this was why he wasn't too serious in playing in the past games. He's definitely formidable when he's serious — a genius and a prodigy indeed.

"Amazing! He is really good at that technique!"

"No wonder he is the most handsome boy in Yu Qing!"

"So glamorous!"

"He is so handsome!"

She put on a funny expression, eyes glancing at the cheerleaders gushing over Zhuo Zhi. Since when were looks connected to tennis?

𝙋𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙤𝙜𝙧𝙖𝙥𝙝 ➝ Zhuo ZhiWhere stories live. Discover now