Thank You

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And it's finally finished!

I started this way back last November 2020 and had managed to finish it in mid-January 2021. I wrote this with the intention of just pouring out my version on how I imagined the series if there was a female lead for one of the main characters. But I never expected it to be read and appreciated by many.

To those who have been with me throughout 'Photograph', thank you, thank you, thank you for staying and reading it up until the end. I really am grateful to you all. I wouldn't have been motivated to continue this if it weren't for you guys. And to those who are about to read this, I hope that you'd enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it as well!

Since it's already completed, I might be unpublishing 'Photograph' for a while to edit the entire book. The plot wouldn't really change but a lot of changes would definitely be noticeable. But fret not because I'd be publishing it whenever the entire book is completely edited.

Do check out my posts in my profile as well since I always ask for my readers' opinions before diving into another book, and I mostly post important announcements there so you guys would be informed earlier.

Anyways, I think I have prolonged this too long already. Thank you once again for reading 'Photograph'! Continue to support it!

'Til next time!

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𝙋𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙤𝙜𝙧𝙖𝙥𝙝 ➝ Zhuo ZhiWhere stories live. Discover now