53: Golden Partners

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"Before Yu Feng sent us their videos of their match with Hai Guang, I had already adjusted our daily training schedule based on our previous data on Hai Gung." Zhi Ming explained once the other schools had left and the team, along with Coach Qi Na and Jia Li, remained. He stood in front beside their coach, holding a thick stack of papers much to everyone's exasperation.

"That's too much!" Jia Le complained, eyes widening at the sight of papers. "Are you sure that we can do all of what's written in there?"

"You can do it, if you want to." Zhi Ming stated, which made the players sigh. He continued on explaining further details regarding their new training plans to match up with the data he had collected about the Hai Guang Tennis Club. "I'll distribute each of your personalized training schedules later. But before that, basic training must be completed. Put on your wrist and ankle bags and run at least ten laps around the court. I won't give you a limit, but the person with the most laps won't have to drink Yan Juice. But for the others, the amount you're going to drink will be determined by the laps you run."

Jia Li watched the team grimace at the mention of Yan Juice. Jia Le pouted, "Zhi Ming, you've turned your Yan Juice into a punishment for us."

Qiao Chen frowned, "I didn't understand any of what you said." Referring to Zhi Ming's instructions.

"We have to run ten laps, but it won't be counted." Bai Yang summarized. "So, we'll be ranked according to the additional laps that we will run."


As Zhi Ming distributed the stack of papers, the team pointed out how the data about Hai Guang had filled up so much of the papers — even more than what they had collected about the Xing Yao Tennis Club.

"I'm quite curious about what happened during the match between Yu Feng and Hai Guang." Zhuo Zhi spoke up after scanning the papers.

Da Yong nodded, "I agree. It was just a game, but they completely wrecked Yu Feng who usually have high spirits."

Truth be told, Jia Li was also worried about what happened between that match. She had texted Xing Zi, but the girl hadn't replied yet. And from what she knew about Xing Zi, that girl always replied in a heartbeat. Maybe her brother's injury was too serious.

"We can still beat Hai Guang." Qiao Chen smirked.

"Yes! And we'll win the championship for sure." Her brother added.

Zhi Ming sighed heavily whilst fixing his eyeglasses, "Being an idiot is a blessing sometimes.

Jia Li and Coach Qi Na chuckled, "It's not wrong to think like that. When you're on the court, both sides are equal. Because no matter how good your record is, all games start at 0-0, which is why both sides have equal chances of winning." Jia Li nodded at Coach Qi Na's words.

"Then let's start training."


Four days before the anticipated match, Jia Li arrived at the court, seeing the Golden Partners in a serious conversation.

Don't tell me they're having misunderstandings again when the match is getting nearer.

She watched as Da Yong walked to the bench and dropped his tennis bag. He didn't notice that the zipper was open, letting a few stuff of his drop to the ground. And since she was near it, Jia Li then began picking up the contents that fell out.

As she picked up the tapes and towel, her eyes zeroed at the small can of medicine lying on the ground. Her first initial thought was that maybe Da Yong carried it around for emergency situations, so she nonchalantly picked it up. However, her eyes caught the Chinese words written on it, lips slightly parting in shock. Apparently, the can that she was holding was for those who had gastric problems.

Was this what Da Yong was experiencing when he seemed out of himself? Was he sick all along?

"Chi Da Yong," Jia Li called out to the person she had considered as her second older brother. Da Yong turned to her with a smile. "Are you sick?"

His smile vanished as his eyes fell down at the item in Jia Li's hands. His lips parted and he began avoiding her gaze, confirming her thoughts.

"How long?" She asked softly.

Jia Le, who had stood in his position at the other side of the net, sighed in exasperation upon seeing his sister conversing with his partner. He then walked over to them, hands flying to his waist to reprimand them, "Little sis, we're about to prac-" his eyes noticed the hesitant expression Da Yong was wearing and the item in Jia Li's hand. "What are you holding?"

He snatched it without permission, turning the can around to read the label. Jia Le froze as he read what the medicine was for. His eyes flew up his partner, who had casted his eyes downwards.

"Chi Da Yong, you're sick? When did this start?"

"I had it for a long time now."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Jia Le asked again.

It was supposed to be a serious moment. But Jia Li couldn't help diverting her eyes back and forth at the two, who looked like a married couple undergoing some serious fight.

"It's nothing."

"It's not nothing!" Jia Le exclaimed. "You always told me to tell you if something's bothering me because you're my partner. I already felt bad before upon realizing that I depended on you too much and now I find out that you're having gastric problems for a long time. You never told me anything about it. I always thought that you are the stronger one and the better one between the two of us, that is why I always depend on you. But I didn't know that me depending caused this great pressure to fall on you. I feel like I'm taking you for granted as my partner."

Da Yong started interrupting, "Jia Le-"

Jia Li watched silently as her brother placed down the can and faced Da Yong, "Let's have that match. If you win, we'll remain as partners. But if you lose, the partnership is done."

Her eyes widened, remembering how they were formed two years ago. Jia Le had challenged Da Yong to a match because he refused to be paired up with him. They only became partners because Da Yong won. And since then, Jia Le vowed that one day, he would defeat Da Yong. And if that time came, their partnership would be gone.

She nervously watched as the two started playing. Jia Le, having improved so much, burst with determination. Da Yong on the other hand, still played unlikely himself which made her worried that their partnership might really end.

As the ball for the match point fell on Da Yong's backcourt, both approached the nets wherein one was sporting a dejected look whilst the other sported a blank one.

"You won, Jia Le. You've improved so much." Da Yong spoke with pride as he sadly smiled at her brother.

"Chi Da Yong," Jia Le breathed. "I'm doing my part of our deal. We're ending this partnership."

Da Yong's eyes regretfully gazed downwards, blinking multiple times, forcefully maintaining the smile on his face. Jia Li felt her heart clench at the two, wondering if this could affect their friendship.

"However, I'd like to create a new deal with you." Jia Le continued, surprising her and Da Yong, who snapped his eyes back to him. "Let's bring back the Golden Partners again. But this time, our partnership would never end."

A smile made its way onto Da Yong's face, lighting it up. "Okay, deal."

"No more secrets." Jia Le stated firmly. "We're partners and we're going to be honest with each other and help one another."

"No more secrets." Da Yong agreed and they both shook hands, signing the new deal.

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