07: Tang Shenanigans

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"This is definitely gross."

Jia Li pinched the bridge of her nose, raising one of her brother's t-shirts that horribly reeked of foul smell. Her brows crossed, exhaling in defeat upon seeing the heap of clothes piled in the laundry basket. She was standing by the sink, a basin tucked under one arm. Jia Li could have easily activated the washing machine beside her to wash Jia Le's clothes. But with this kind of smell, she doubted that a simple wash and dry could rinse away the stink.

"You're exaggerating too much." Jia Le rolled his eyes, leaning lazily at the doorway. He had arrived a few hours after she got home and immediately barged straight into her room, dragging her butt to the laundry room where three baskets were waiting — all his clothes.

"I'm serious!" She protested, pinching her nose harder to avoid smelling the rotten smell, "Did you purposely fart all over your clothes?"

"Hey, my fart smells nice!"

"Stupid, no fart smells nice. Yours is probably the worse-" she shrieked as Jia Le threw one of his shirts at her face. "Ew, Jia Le!"

He only laughed at her uneasiness. Satisfied with how much she was suffering, he quickly saluted and jogged away, leaving Jia Li in the pits of hell.

"I hate you, Tang Jia Le!"

"Love ya too, Little sis!"

She huffed in annoyance and grumpily began rinsing his clothes, repeating it twice before throwing them inside the washing machine.

Five hours later, she had managed to survive the horror and tiredly slumped herself on a seat at the dining table.

Jia Le snickered, failing to cover up the laughter exploding from his mouth, "You look terrible."

Jia Li glared, groaning as she laid her head on the back of her chair, "I feel terrible, especially after I threw away your clothes, realizing that no laundry perfume and detergent could save them anymore."

Panic washed over Jia Le's face and he swiftly stood up, causing his chair to stumble loudly, dashing towards the laundry room to save his clothes. Mrs. Tang jumped in shock at his sudden movement, scolding him about being rude during dinner. Mr. Tang only sighed, already too used with the siblings' non-ending shenanigans.

"Tang Jia Li, I hate you!"

"I love you too, brother!"

She openly laughed upon hearing Jia Le cursing from the laundry room. He had already probably seen his clothes inside the trash bags.

Once he had calmed down after sputtering endless curses at Jia Li, their parents had managed to inquire about the two's stay in Yu Qing. This caught Jia Le's attention. He began to spout about his trainings and the team's preparation for the upcoming Tennis League, proudly claiming that they wouldn't be defeated again. Jia Li tuned him out, not quite interested to tire her ears about tennis practices, tennis leagues, and tennis teams — all about tennis. The only thing he was missing as he continued to ramble, was a full visual PowerPoint presentation. She continued devouring the meal cooked by their mother.

"How about you, Sweetie? How was your day?" Jia Li quickly looked up at her family, who were staring expectantly at her. When had Jia Le finished his full report about tennis?

"It was alright." She shrugged and stuffed another spoon of food. Her family resumed eating, used to her usual straightforward answers, not expecting more. "I got a new friend and planned to join the Photography Club with her."

Sounds of utensils clanging filled the entire dining room. And then silence followed. Everyone was staring at her as if she had grown two heads. A very shocked expression was written on their father's features. Tears were starting to escape from their mother's eyes. And Jia Le seemed he might pass out anytime.

"What?" Jia Li raised her eyebrows at them.

"Y-You got a friend." Jia Le began stuttering. "And y-you will join a club."

Disbelief was common in their faces. Was it really that shocking for them to hear that?

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?" Jia Li frowned.

"Who are you? And what have you done to my sister?" Her brother began clutching her shoulders, shaking her vigorously.

"Idiot." She pushed him away and nonchalantly continued to eat. "I just feel like breaking out of my shell. Besides, it's my last two years in high school. Might as well give it a shot."

The three huddled together and began whispering loudly, excluding the youngest, "Are you sure she's the real Jia Li?"

"What if she's a doppelganger?"

"Should we call a pastor?"

"Is she possessed?"

"Please don't tell me we're living under the same roof with a ghost."

Rolling her eyes at their overexaggerating acting, Jia Li scowled at them, "Hello? I'm still here! I can clearly hear what you guys are saying."

Jia Le awkwardly laughed, "We're just shocked that's all. You never bothered making friends nor joined clubs. Why the sudden change of heart?"

"I just feel like it." Jia Li pursed her lips, deeply confused at not knowing her own reason.

"Well, whatever it is, just know we're very proud of you, Sweetheart." Their father smiled. "And we'll support you with whatever decision you and your brother make."

She returned the same smile at their parents and turned to her brother, who was grinning and patting her head. Jia Li felt grateful at how supportive their parents were.

They're the best. She smiled to herself.

"But are you sure you're not sick or possessed?" Jia Le queried, ruining the giddy mood Jia Li was enjoying.

I take back what I said.

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Author's Note

I'm surprised at myself for uploading chapters everyday. Anyways, I enjoyed writing this part because it's so wholesome. Such supportive family.

If you guys liked it, do comment or vote! And if you have any suggestions, feel free to comment it as well ;)

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