59: Hai Guang (Part V)

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As the final match of day arrived, everyone geared up with anticipation as they all watched Lu Xia and Tian Zi Long enter the court. Before serving, Lu Xia momentarily shut his eyes, suddenly radiating a weird feeling around him. He seemed more composed and prepared, other than the poker look he always sported.

He did a strong serve which made Jia Li's jaw drop open, staring in disbelief as the youngest main player began imitating different techniques of different players. He copied Ya Jiu Xin's move through leaping a huge step backwards to return the ball. Then he turned around and bent one knee whilst twisting his racket, a perfect copy of Zhuo Yu's 'Twist Spin Shot'. Lu Xia followed it with Qiao Chen's 'Vertical Smash' to score the first point, making Qiao Chen stand up, purely delighted that his signature move was used, gesturing at the stands to cheer louder.

Lu Xia is using so many techniques of other players, but when will he use his own? Jia Li thought to herself as Lu Xia used Si Yang's 'Zero Chip' to score another point.

Her eyes then fell on Tian Zi Long, Hai Guang's Vice Captain in their tennis club, who seemed a little bit amazed at Lu Xia. Being known as the second strongest player in their school, this was unexpected from Tian Zi Long since Lu Xia kept scoring, or maybe he was just testing Lu Xia.

"It seems that you have played against a lot of exceptional players." Tian Zi Long scoffed, making Lu Xia look at him whilst dribbling the ball. "But unfortunately, I have already defeated them all before."

Tian Zi Long then began using his ultimate move according to Wei Ming, which was the 'Four Elemental Stances'. He kept smashing the ball in a fast speed, making it swoosh through the air like a wind, mildly playing with Jia Li's eyesight as she seemed to be seeing multiple rackets. Because of this consistent, impressive stunts, Lu Xia's composed state diminished as Tian Zi Long kept scoring now.

"Are you now tired?" Tian Zi Long smirked arrogantly at Lu Xia, who was still baffled at the balls speeding past him that were three times faster than the usual speed.

The youngest main player's face hardened. His gaze was solely focused on the ball, eager to return it. He shocked Hai Guang by managing to return the 'Wind Stance' of Tian Zi Long's 'Four Elemental Stances'.

Jia Li heard Xu Zi Ping slightly gasp from her right, "Wei Ming, isn't that your footwork?"

Wei Ming zeroed his eyes at Lu Xia's feet that seemed to be running very fast, chuckling, "It really is! He also got the rhythm right."

"That means your footwork is easy to learn." Yi Wu interjected.

"Yi Wu, he got your move, too." Zi Ping nodded at Lu Xia.

"Huh?" Yi Wu whipped his head just as Tian Zi Long returned the ball that Lu Xia hit, only for it bounce out of the line. "No way!" Xing Zi and Jia Li chuckled at him.

Lu Xia then kept using the 'Top Spin' and 'Down Spin', two moves that could definitely paralyze the opponent's muscle temporarily, which was true since Tian Zi Long began glancing at his arm occasionally, a grimaced look growing on his face.

"Isn't that Yi Wu's game strategy?" Tie Nan piped in.

"Well done, Lu Xia." Wei Ming grinned, sending a teasing look at Yi Wu. "It's surprising to see him make Yi Wu admire him from the heart." Yi Wu scoffed at that, suppressing a smile as Zi Ping, Xing Zi, and Jia Li continued to laugh.

Surprising them more, Lu Xia used Bai Yang's 'Boomerang Snake' and Xing Long's 'Earthquake Smash', winning the first set as he smashed the ball down hard.

However, despite winning the first set, endless beads of sweat started engulfing Lu Xia's appearance whereas Tian Zi Long hadn't even broke into a sweat yet, as if he hadn't showcased his full strength. Lu Xia began showing signs of complete exhaustion, straining his muscles and body reflexes from overexerting different strong techniques. When Tian Zi Long served, Lu Xia just dived but was unable to hit it as his energy had dropped.

"What's going on? Is this all you've got?" Tian Zi Long taunted him.

Hai Guang's Vice Captain then positioned himself in a different stance, turning around quickly before using his racket to smash the ball with great effort, making Lu Xia fall on his back as he attempted to return it.

What stance is that, now? Fire?

But since Lu Xia was a very, very, very stubborn boy who always refused to quit, not accepting any defeat, he kept overexerting himself just to return the strong weight of the balls bouncing to his court. However, Jia Li knew that if he kept up this act, his stamina would definitely deflate, and his health would be in jeopardy.

"Lu Xia!" Jia Li whipped her head at the sound of Qi Ying's frantic voice, who stood up to look at Lu Xia in worry, who slammed against the tarpaulin displayed behind him. Her hands gripped the rails in front of her, yelling down at him, "Lu Xia, think about why you're playing Tennis. Isn't it because you love it, and not because it is an obligation or that you want to achieve something?"

At that, Lu Xia shakily stood up, using his racket as a support. Qi Ying's words seemed to have made an impact on him as he glared at Tian Zi Long and tilted his cap downwards. Hai Guang scoffed at his stubbornness to give up.

Xu Zi Ping gaped at Lu Xia's position, "Isn't that Tian Zi Long's 'Wind Stance'? It looks more like a sword stance."

True enough, Lu Xia was imitating the 'Wind Stance', which was still returned by Tian Zi Long. Lu Xia then used his 'Letter B Drive', but Tian Zi Long countered it with his 'Fire Stance'. Lu Xia tried to catch it with one arm, but the force knocked away his racket and he collapsed to the ground.

Everyone stood up in worry, yet he continued picking up himself, determined to win this game. Hai Guang called for a short timeout and Jia Li noticed how Tian Zi Long let his teammates leave first, leaving him alone. Are they in a hurry? Who's going to support him?

Despite continuously losing to Tian Zi Long, the stands kept cheering for Lu Xia, chanting his name louder as a support. Jia Li pursed her lips, exhaling a deep sigh. Lu Xia, you can do this! Senior Si Yang put his faith in you; your teammates are relying on you; everyone in Yu Qing believes in you. You can do this!

Lu Xia then began playing aggressively, leaving his backcourt wide open for Tian Zi Long to freely score as if he was disregarding his defenses. What are you planning, Lu Xia?

"I have found your weakness." Lu Xia spoke as he pulled himself up after falling again. "Your 'Four Elemental Stances'."

"Those tricks do not work on me, Rookie." Tian Zi Long smirked.

But since this was Lu Xia, Jia Li knew nothing was impossible for him to master a new move in the middle of a match.

"We shall see."

When he served, Tian Zi Long returned it with a 'Fire Stance'. Lu Xia then ran forward, approaching the net and struck back with the 'Wind Stance', earning a point. Tian Zi Long stared at him in disbelief, perplexed at how Lu Xia was counterattacking his moves through a replica of his own moves as well.

"I will defeat you and advance to the Nationals."

From the corner of her eye, Jia Li noticed the team wearing blue headbands around their foreheads that matched the color of their uniforms, simultaneously yelling, "Lu Xia, become the pillar of Yu Qing!" She grinned widely at the sight, noting how that support motivated Lu Xia as he began fighting back bravely.

"I underestimated you." Tian Zi Long told him, gritting his teeth. "But in the end, you still can't beat me. I have to win. I have to."

He really did underestimate Lu Xia as the freshman continually scored until he surpassed him at 5-6. By now, Yu Qing's stands had stood up, waving their cheering sticks high in the air. Lu Xia switched his racket to his left hand and momentarily shut his eyes, bringing back the composed state he was in the first part of the game. Then, he performed a different 'Twist' serve, tossing it up high in the air and grunted in pain as he smacked the ball very hard and fell to the ground.

"Lu Xia!"

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