03: Tennis Guy

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Welcome to Yu Qing High School!

The community in Yu Qing was buzzing with chaotic students, who were shuffling from different directions, greeting old friends after being separated during the school year break. Pillars and walls surrounded the pathways; tall trees glowered from above, providing shades from the sunlight; buildings were positioned in various places. Jia Li had always heard stories about Yu Qing due to her previous school being its rival, but she never thought that the exterior would look this simple compared to her old one.

Jia Le wanted to accompany her to her first day in school. Their parents encouraged her to at least allow him to tour her around and be seen together just for today. As much as Jia Li loved her brother, she just couldn't bear to be the center of attention on her first day, especially if students caught her together with him. Who knew what kind of thoughts would be running inside their heads?

After Jia Le's pointless nagging, she made a promise to take care of herself and contact him immediately if she felt uncomfortable. She had never felt more uneasy on her first day as she stood by the pillars that proudly displayed the name, Yu Qing. Jia Le was so excited for her and couldn't wait to get home and hear about her day.

Unlike most girls who'd fret over what to wear at school, Jia Li was wearing the required uniform — a white short-sleeved polo topped over by a fitted grey vest and blue ribbon, partnered with a dark blue plaid skirt that reached until her mid-thigh and completed by black high knee socks and shoes. She put on a hoodie — a compulsory part of her everyday outfit, and lightly added face powder, leaving her natural brown hair to drop its soft waves. Her fingers gripped the strap of her backpack tightly, internally calming her nerves before entering the first building that greeted her.

Jia Li fiddled with her hoodie. She wanted to go home already but she also didn't want her family to be worried and disappointed at her. She headed towards the hallway, which was already crowded. People swarmed around her, fist-bumping and waving across each other. Jia Li kept her head down, not acknowledging anyone as there weren't any familiar faces for her to greet. Upon spotting a teacher in the crowd, Jia Li quickly maneuvered her way and queried the room shown in her schedule. Thankfully, the teacher was kind enough to provide information and Jia Li sighed in relief upon reaching her first class in time.

Everyone's eyes fell on her once she entered the room. Instead of showing her a vacant seat, the teacher pushed her to introduce herself first in front. Biting her bottom lip nervously, Jia Li tucked both of her hands inside the pocket of her hoodie to avoid letting everyone see her running her hands together — a habit she possessed whenever she got nervous.

"Um, I'm Jia Li," she timidly glanced at the teacher, who raised an eyebrow at her introduction, encouraging her to speak more. "I...I like photography."

The classroom was dead silent as if they were still anticipating more words to come out from her mouth. Luckily, the teacher noticed her timidness and decided to allow her to sit now.

As usual, Jia Li paid careful attention despite that it was only the introduction of the subjects. It was an automatic behavior of hers to study immediately even if it was just about the subject's minor details. Once her last class was dismissed, her phone suddenly vibrated.

'Have training today, won't be traveling home with you. Hope your first day was great! Tell me all the details later!' - the golden idiot

Jia Li softly smiled at her brother's text and quickly typed a response before tidying her desk.

'Sure. Try not to faint in the middle of training again.' - little sis

'That was a one-time thing! But at least I have Da Chi to catch me.' - the golden idiot

'Yeah, your partner's definitely going to catch you again. Though I'm pretty sure the floor would be the one to catch you always.' - little sis

'Jia Li! Don't jinx it! Your insults to me tend to always happen. I hate you.' - the golden idiot

A low chuckle escaped past her lips. Jia Li knew her brother had the weakest stamina in his team. According to his rants, he'd always complain how he was punished by their captain through doubling his training. And he'd always emphasize that it wasn't good for his health because it would mean he'd be overworking himself. Though deep down, everyone in the family knew he's just a lazy person.

Jia Li left her camera dangling around her neck as she decided to go home now with the thought of taking photos along the way. But as she headed down for the next flight of stairs, her brown eyes widened at the sight of the tennis guy, who was heading upstairs instead. His brows furrowed upon seeing her in front of him until recognition crossed his features.

"Aren't you the little photographer I bumped to last week?" A ghost of smile was playing on his lips.

She became mute, not expecting that he'd remember her. Flustered, she nodded shyly, hesitant to speak out.

"So you attend here in Yu Qing." He chuckled and tucked a hand inside his pocket, gesturing at her camera. "For a moment, I thought you were a stalker. How come I've never seen you here before?"

"Um, I..." Jia Li pursed her lips, red kissing her cheeks. "I'm a transfer student."

He nodded in understanding before flashing her a small smile, "Well, welcome to Yu Qing. It's nice seeing you here but I have to go now or I'll be late for practice."

Jia Li nodded and immediately moved out of his way, hurrying past him. She had already reached the bottom of the stairs when he suddenly called her.

"Hey, what's your name?"

Turning around, she rested a hand on the stairs' rails for support, hesitating whether to give her name or not but decided the first option.

"Jia Li." She glanced up at him.

His response was only a smile before continuing his way up, "Nice to meet you, Jia Li."

It wasn't until she reached home when Jia Li realized she didn't ask the tennis guy's name.

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