02: Polaroid Photos

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Upon arriving home, Jia Li's eyes traveled to the dining room where her family was situated at. She immediately greeted her parents each with a hug, mumbling hello before sitting down beside her brother, who was engrossed in playing games in his phone. Her nose sniffed the delicious aroma of their mother's cooked dinner, causing her stomach to grumble. Mrs. Tang immediately slapped Jia Le's arm, reminding him to keep his phone away as it was already time for dinner.

As she began scooping rice to her plate, Mrs. Tang gently asked, "Where have you been all afternoon, Sweetheart?"

"Just here and there." Jia Li shrugged.

"I take it you brought your cameras with you?" Their father chuckled though the answer was already obvious. "Did you enjoy your stroll today?"

"It was alright."

Jia Le ruffled his sister's hair, chuckling at the short, vague answers she gave their parents. Jia Li didn't feel like sharing her strolls with her family unless it was necessary — especially the embarrassing incident that previously happened. She was absolutely going to not tell them that. Her brother would go overboard, lecturing her about meeting strangers — boys to be specific.

As the dinner proceeded throughout the night, accompanied with short conversations regarding her brother's training, Mr. Tang suddenly cleared his throat and clasped his hands — a Tang Family sign that he was about to say something serious. The two siblings perked at that but continued munching the delicious meal. Sighing, their father looked at them and smiled, "So, me and your mother have been thinking about transferring Jia Li to a different school this year."

Jia Li shared a confused look with her older brother, wondering why she was suddenly decided to be transferred. Her thoughts flew to what could be the cause. She didn't have a failed subject, nor had anything weird happen during her past years at school. So, what was the reason?

"Sweetie, it isn't because you did something wrong." Mrs. Tang reassured, placing a comforting hand on her daughter's after noticing her confused expression. "Your grades are great by the way."

"We just decided that perhaps it would be the best for both of you." Mr. Tang pointed out vaguely, puzzling the siblings more.

Jia Le placed an arm on his sister's chair behind her head, casually sipping a drink, "So, where are you going to transfer her this time?"

Both of their parents glanced at each other before their father sent them a smile, "We're thinking of enrolling Jia Li in Yu Qing for her final two years of high school."

Her brother suddenly choked whilst drinking water, but she ignored him, sending a baffled look towards their father, her jaw slightly dropping in disbelief.


"Think of it, Sweetie," their mother gushed, eyes sparkling with excitement. "You'll be attending the same school together for the first time before your brother graduates next year."

"How is that the best for both of us?" Jia Li blurted out.

A grim expression overtook their father's features, "Your previous school's tuition fee raised higher this year. And it kind of surpassed our financial budget even if you could earn a scholarship."

Her eyes darted to her brother, who was glancing at her, worrying she'd disagree. Jia Li didn't have the slightest idea that their family was struggling financially. Jia Le got a scholarship because he was a main player of the tennis team, so it left only her to be supported. Deep down, Jia Li disliked the idea of attending Yu Qing since her brother's there and it would be chaotic if the students found out he had a sister. But at the same time, she didn't want to be selfish to her parents by pushing what she preferred.

"Okay." She mumbled, deciding it was truly the best though she didn't really understand how it was the best.


The youngest couldn't sleep that night, tossing back and forth trying to claim peace. But her mind was in a whirlwind.

Her thoughts were preoccupied. Regarding her transfer to Yu Qing, she would be adjusting to a new environment again. But this time, she had her brother. However, Jia Li didn't want to depend on Jia Le all the time. She knew she had to eventually sort things out later on her own.

Giving up from being unable to sleep, she got up from bed and sat on her swivel chair with a sigh. Her laptop was propped open on the study table; multiple photos filling the screen, serving as a distraction from her unwanted thoughts. After arranging and uploading the photos to their respective folders, she grabbed her Polaroid camera and laid out its photos neatly in front of her. There was a photo of birds eating the food she had laid on the street; the sun peeking between the fluffy clouds in the blue sky; the tennis park, and so much more.

A particular photo caught her eye. Jia Li scanned it, a small smile playing on her lips as she recalled how she took that photo of the guy playing tennis. But her mind betrayed her as it flew back to their recent encounter, causing her cheeks to flush. She suddenly had the urge to ask her brother if he knew that person but decided against it, realizing that it was already late and Jia Le might be asleep.

Instead, she picked up the photo and went to bed, looking up to see the Polaroid photos hanging above her — clipped between the spaces of the fairy lights. She hanged the photo in one of the available spaces with the thought of asking Jia Le the next day.

Then afterwards, she began cleaning up her table, sliding the rest of the Polaroid photos in a small album and making sure that her cameras and phone were charging before retreating to bed, snuggling herself beneath the comfortable sheets.

Transferring to Yu Qing, what could go wrong?

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