44: Everything's Fine

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Right after Jia Le had left the two, a commotion from the other side pulled the two's attention, confused at why the team was gathering. Zhuo Zhi and Jia Li walked over and stood beside the team, who were watching Huang Jing challenge Lu Xia in a match. Coach Qi Na had even arrived too, to watch the game as well. Since blank and cool was Lu Xia's unwavering demeanor, Huang Jing visibly showed exceeding determination as he managed to earn a few points.

"Huang Jing, you've made great progress." Lu Xia complimented.

The said player disregarded the compliment, turning to Lu Xia with a pissed look, "I said that I would play a match with you seriously. So, I hope you can also play your best without any reservation."

"Then I'll do my best." Lu Xia simply responded, tilting his white cap downwards.

"Why is Huang Jing challenging Lu Xia?" Jia Li asked in confusion as she stood between Qiao Chen and Mu.

Mu answered her question, keeping his gaze firm at the ongoing match, "Huang Jing got annoyed at Lu Xia who was chasing the balls he missed to hit. He got fully distracted so he challenged Lu Xia instead."

Jia Li tilted her head to the side as her lips formed into a small pout, chasing the flying ball with her eyes.

"If this is only the best that you can do, then you're better off picking up tennis balls!" Huang Jing grunted as he chased every return that Lu Xia gave him. "Because only the best players can compete in the battlefield!" Then he fell as he attempted to receive Lu Xia's smash.

"Is it necessary to continue?" Qiao Chen asked.

And as usual, Bai Yang scoffed, "Do you think they're cowards like you?"

"Huang Jing's been working hard lately." Xiu Wen spoke up from the umpire's seat with a nervous look before Qiao Chen could retort at Bai Yang. "He doesn't care about winning or losing. All he wants now is a result for the match."

There was something with Huang Jing's aura as Jia Li studied him. Besides his improvement in playing tennis, he radiated determination as if he was trying to prove something. Could it be that he had lost a match with Lu Xia before?

"40-15, Lu Xia takes the lead!" Xiu Wen yelled, snapping Jia Li from her thoughts.

Despite him on the verge of losing, Huang Jing continued to taunt Lu Xia in-between his heavy pants. "Come on, the match isn't over yet. Is that really the best that you can do? Has Xing Yao freaked you out?"

So her former school's the reason.

Lu Xia turned to him and declared calmly, "I won't lose no matter who my opponent is."

"What is wrong with Huang Jing?" Zhuo Zhi asked as Da Yong followed after Xing Long, who went back to practice.

When it was Lu Xia's turn to serve, Jia Li noticed how he flicked his wrist, gripping his hold around the racket. He bent himself, preparing to perform the 'Twist' serve.

A flicker of recognition drew on Huang Jing's face as he mentally prepared himself. "Do you think I will fall for the same stunt twice?" Twice? So he must have really experienced playing with Lu Xia before. As the ball flew to his court, Jia Li watched as Huang Jing groaned, collapsing himself flat on the ground, causing the audience to chuckle at him. "I lost it all."

"6-0, Lu Xia wins!"

Mu gasped, eyes widening, "It's the 'Twist' serve! I haven't seen it for a long time."

"Plus it's a bit different from before." Zhuo Zhi pointed out.

"Lu Xia seems to be in his best condition again." Mu exclaimed. "And the captain doesn't let him compete against Xing Yao?"

Zhuo Zhi agreed and turned to Si Yang, intentionally letting the captain hear what he was about to say. "Yes, it's a real pity."

Jia Li looked at Si Yang, who remained stoic, completely unfazed at what Zhuo Zhi said and watched Lu Xia pull up Huang Jing to his feet.

"Lu Xia, Huang Jing," Si Yang called them. "You two know that private matches aren't allowed. As a punishment, you need to run laps." Huang Jing gasped in exasperation as Lu Xia went ahead to run. "Five laps, good luck."

She stared at him incredulously for punishing the two. Jia Li then snickered, shaking her head whilst muttering, "He punished them for having a private match as if he hadn't watched the entire game."

Unfortunately, everyone heard her and chuckled.

Si Yang faced her, amusement visible in his eyes, "Do you want to run laps too, Jia Li?"

Jia Li nervously sighed then shrugged, pointing behind her, "On second thought, I think I heard Jia Le call for me. Bye!" Then she dashed away, leaving the rest to laugh at her.


After a day full of practice and visiting their father, the Tang siblings headed home by themselves. It was quiet except for their shoes padding against the sidewalk. Jia Li nudged her brother, who had his face scrunched in seriousness. "Seriousness doesn't suit you, brother. A penny for your thoughts?"

Jia Le rubbed the back of his head and sighed, before placing an arm around her shoulders as they walked. "We found out Captain's injured left arm today."

"Was it the same arm that got hurt last year?" She asked, worry building within her for their captain especially since they were about to have a competition in four days.

He briefly nodded and pursed his lips, "We confronted him, so he told us that he'll still continue with the match and try to finish it within thirty minutes. And if the time's up and the match hasn't ended yet, he'd withdraw and get treatment for his arm, accepting whatever result would happen."

"That doesn't sound reassuring." Jia Li muttered. "What if he injures his arm more badly? Then he wouldn't be able to play in the National League with you all."

"That's what makes us very worried about him." Jia Le shrugged. "But you know Si Yang, he's also stubborn and refuses to acknowledge if he's hurting or what."

Nodding in agreement, Jia Li smiled, recalling the numerous times Si Yang had led the team in their trainings and competitions. "He just cares about you guys too much that he's willing to do anything to lead you guys to the National League. Senior Si Yang always puts you guys first before his wellbeing."

"True, but that doesn't make us worry less for him especially since he's going against Jing Wu." Jia Le pointed out, noticing the slight tension from his sister's shoulders. "So basically, we're stuck with two choices: go against Xing Yao without our Captain and definitely lose, or go against Xing Yao with our Captain, whose left arm could end up critically injured."

Jia Li bit her bottom lip, "I guess you all decided the second option."

"We didn't have any other choice. Si Yang is the only one who can match up against Jing Wu's strength." He frowned, deeply sighing. "Ah, I'm worrying too much." She snorted at her brother, who messed up his hair. "What about you, Little sis?"

"What about me?"

Jia Le nodded, "Yeah, does your phobia still visit you?"

Her mind flew back to her recent encounter with the reporter where her phobia took over her after a long time. She hesitated whether to share the incident to Jia Le but opted not to, considering how he was already worrying about many things.

"No, fortunately." Jia Li blinked multiple times and pursed her lips, looking straight ahead.

"Ah, thank goodness." Jia Le groaned in relief. "I don't think I would be able to handle worrying about you, too."

She nibbled her lips, nervously letting out a forced smile, "Yeah, everything's fine. I'm fine."

But it felt wrong.

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