06: New Friend

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The agonizing lectures in each subject started on the second day. Whiteboards were constantly filled with equations; stands were filled with equipment in the laboratories; books were propped open on the desks. It was quite hellish for most students, complaining that the teachers were already torturing them with lessons even if it was only the second day. Jia Li, on the other hand, found the day enjoyable. Her face was stuck inside her lecture books; eyes carefully drinking the lessons written on the boards; fingers swiftly dancing on her notebook as she scribbled each lesson in full details. Jia Le would often point out that no one — absolutely no one — in their family loved the idea of studying. He'd joke around saying that maybe she was adopted because her favorites were far different from them.

When lunch time rolled in, Jia Li stayed inside the classroom, casually eating her packed lunch whilst jotting down notes. It was peaceful for a moment until someone entered the room. Jia Li didn't bother to glance at whoever that was. However, a shadow loomed over her, making her look up. A girl was standing in front of her desk. Her auburn hair was braided, dropping on one shoulder; minimum touch of makeup was visible on her face; lips formed into a wide grin and her eyes were twinkling in amazement.

"Hi, I'm Xueer! And I just happened to see you alone here and studying."

Her voice was a bit too loud and high pitched for Jia Li, making her flinch. But nonetheless, she accepted the greeting with a small smile.

"Wow, it's only the second day and you're already advancing the lessons!" Xueer took a seat in front of Jia Li, who had stopped writing. "I'm not making fun of you. It's just new to see someone in my class studying so hard on the second day of school."

Jia Li hadn't any idea how to respond to her chatters. Xueer seemed friendly enough but Jia Li's just not good at making friends. She awkwardly shifted on her chair, still plastering the same shy smile so as to not appear rude.

Xueer noticed this and piped down the volume of her voice, "I'm sorry if I was too loud. I probably scared you."

"N-No, you didn't." Jia Li's eyes widened.

"You're a shy person." Xueer pointed out. "I noticed you barely utter words to anyone. But I was hoping if I could be a friend."


That word seemed so foreign to Jia Li. It had been too long since she last had a friend — a very close one to be precise. But after everything that went down between them, she distanced herself socially. Now someone's asking to be her friend here in Yu Qing. She hoped that the girl's motive was pure and not someone who'd easily ditch her after meeting new ones. Add to that were the personal secrets she couldn't afford to share with whoever became her friend unless necessary.

"Please don't make it look like a bad thing." Xueer immediately cleared, noting the hesitance on Jia Li's face. "I really want to be your friend. You're new here and you seem nice. Besides, you're the first person I asked to be friends with."

This surprised Jia Li. Her heart warmed at the thought that someone wanted to be her friend even if she's a very reserved person. Perhaps she should give it a try. Maybe one day, they'd be close friends.

"Okay," she mumbled and offered a smile to Xueer. "W-We could be friends."

Excitement reflected on Xueer's face and she giddily stood up, clapping her hands. "Yey, I finally got a friend!" Then she returned back to her seat and grinned at Jia Li, "Don't worry if you still feel shy talking to me. I won't force you to completely transform a hundred degrees from being an introvert to the opposite. You agreed to be my friend and that's alright. I hope our friendship lasts!"

Slowly, Jia Li's smile stretched into a grin. She sure hoped that Xueer could be a real friend. "Thank you."


As the last bell rang for the day, Jia Li exhaled a deep sigh before stuffing her books neatly inside her backpack. She stretched her arms a bit and stood up only to meet Xueer, who was waiting for her with a grin. Chuckling softly to herself, she walked over to her newfound friend. Together, they both exited the classroom.

Remembering how her brother always had trainings after school, Jia Li briefly sent a text to Jia Le, telling him that she'd head home earlier than him. Once the two girls reached the stairs, Xueer turned to her and asked, "So, what do you mostly love to do in your free time?"

"Photography." Jia Li simply stated without another thought.

"Oh, I love photography, too! You should join the Photography Club. I'm planning to join though." The auburn-haired girl invited. "It'd be a great opportunity to enhance our skills."

Jia Li thought about it. All throughout her past school years, she had never once joined a club due to her personality. Everyone in a club appeared outgoing whereas she was mute or stuttering when surrounded by people she didn't know. But now that she knew someone in a club, maybe it's worth a try to join. Besides, it's her last two years in high school, she should make the most out of it.

My family's gonna pass out once they hear I got a friend and planned to join the club.

She could vividly picture the scene. Shaking the funny thought away, Jia Li glanced at her friend. "I...I'll think about it."

"Okay, just let me know and we'll join together." Xueer responded with a shrug. "So, what are you gonna do when you get home besides studying of course?"

Letting out a low groan, Jia Li put on a funny look which made Xueer curious and asking, "Just a...punishment from my older brother." She hesitated whether to reveal his name but opted not to.


"I-I got home past curfew." Jia Li sighed as they neared the subway station. She was already dreading to get home.

"Oh, an overprotective brother." The bubbly girl nodded. "What kind of punishment?"

Internally groaning, Jia Li gritted her teeth upon remembering what Jia Le had left her to do.

"Washing his stinky laundry."

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