Christmas Special

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December had fallen.

Barren trees stood proud on every area, their branches carrying bouquets of white instead of leaves. Lakes and ponds became frozen, turning its waters into ice, where children happily skated, their laughter echoing around. Roofs and streets were covered with thick white snow as gentle snowflakes continued falling. The chilly weather added flavor to the season, pushing people to embrace each other for warmth. Speakers blared Christmas music as people crowded every area to celebrate the holidays.

Jia Li sniffed, her nose tingling from the cold breeze. One hand was tucked inside the pocket of her thick coat whilst the other held paper bags containing presents. Her boots trudged against the heavy snow, making her way towards the Tennis Club's office in Yu Qing.

Just three days ago, Qi Ying and Peng Xiang contacted her to collaborate with their plan to surprise the team, who had been very dedicated in training endlessly. It was their way to help relieve the stress and let the team enjoy the holidays with fun instead of being pressured. Jia Li agreed, secretly spitting out an excuse to go out for a stroll but was really going to buy presents for each of the people she had grown closer with.

Opening the door, Jia Li found Qi Ying and Peng Xiang adding the finishing touch of the Christmas tree situated beside the television. Her eyes roamed around the room, smiling as she drank in the once bland area now filled with Christmas decorations. Garlands were hung around the rails, wreaths were pinned on each door from both sides of the room, and string lights were openly hung on the ceilings.

"Senior Jia Li, you're here already!" Qi Ying chirped, grinning widely.

"Hi," Jia Li smiled and gestured around, "You two have outdone yourself. I must say, I'm pretty impressed with how the room turned out to be."

Qi Ying giggled and Peng Xiang appeared beside her, "Are we going to hang this?"

Jia Li studied the Christmas decoration in Peng Xiang's hand, eyes widening upon realizing what it was, "Is that a mistletoe?"

"Yes!" Peng Xiang grinned happily, waving the mistletoe. "But I don't know where to put it."

"Are we really going to hang that?" Jia Li questioned, really unsure since most of them were guys and it would be really awkward if there's a mistletoe there.

Peng Xiang just giggled and winked, "It'll be fun, Senior!"

Please elaborate what kind of fun do you mean.

After Peng Xiang had managed to hang the mistletoe in a spot where it was unlikely to be found, Jia Li's ears perked up as she heard voices from the other side of the door.

"Yan Zhi Ming, I swear if you let me drink one more glass of your newly invented Yan Juice, I'm going to die from food poisoning!"

Qi Ying and Peng Xiang quickly stood beside each other, patiently waiting for the guys to come inside. Jia Li simply stood on one side, hidden from the door's view.

"You keep saying that but after drinking it, you are rejuvenated and are more energized to do double training."

As soon as the door flung open and the guys began flocking in, the two girls greeted them with wide grins, their reindeer headbands twinkled with small Christmas lights, "Merry Christmas!"

The boys — because of shock — halted in their steps as they stared at the two with mouths wide open, their eyes circling around at their office with surprise and amazement dancing in their eyes.

"Whoa," Qiao Chen mumbled, turning around. "You guys did this?"

The girls giggled, nudging each other as Qi Ying spoke, "This is actually our surprise for you for being too hardworking for the upcoming tournaments."

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