42: Stranger Reporter

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It was a bright sunny afternoon when Jia Li made her way towards the court, filled with the rookie players practicing. Currently, the main players had just arrived and were either lounging or exercising inside their office. Lu Xia still hadn't returned to practice with the team, making his teammates worry whether he would really join them in competing against Xing Yao.

As Jia Li stepped inside the indoor court, a panicked scream resounded, and she quickly turned her head towards the direction where the scream came from.

It's from the guys' changing room, why would they suddenly scream like that?

To answer her question, a flustered Peng Xiang came out, holding a camera. Her lips were shut in a pouting manner, eyes glancing downwards.

"Peng Xiang?" Jia Li blinked in confusion, getting the girl's attention. "Why did you come out from the guys' changing room? Was it you who screamed?"

Peng Xiang's eyes widened and she frantically shook her head in denial, "I-It's not what you think, Senior!" Her cheeks slowly turned red from embarrassment. "I was just interviewing each of the players and some of them happened to be in that room."

"So you screamed because you're in a boys' changing room." Jia Li raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"It was Xiu Wen who screamed." The younger girl instantly replied. "Apparently he just finished taking a bath and I saw him clad in only a towel and shower cap." Her voice trailed off, muttering it lowly as her cheeks darkened.

Jia Li laughed at her, patting Peng Xiang's shoulder, "I guess you won't be able to enter into that room again."

"Maybe," Peng Xiang shrugged. "I just wished it was someone else, perhaps Senior Jia Le or Senior Da Chi, oh-"

"Okay!" Jia Li raised her hands in a surrendering manner, too embarrassed to hear more of Peng Xiang's imagination. She lightly pushed the girl outside, who was laughing. "That's too much information already."

She shuddered, horrified at the images popping in her head. She slapped her cheeks that started to turn red as well, forcing herself to remove those thoughts as she followed Peng Xiang outside.

Turned out, Lu Xia was late at the qualifying match against Xing Yao High School. He was panting heavily as if he had just run a marathon. His teammates, relieved, immediately surrounded him. Qiao Chen grinned, placing an arm around him, "Lu Xia, you're here! Go change your uniform so you could get ready."

"You don't have to." Si Yang spoke with much authority, walking towards the group surrounding Lu Xia. "According to our rules, anyone who's late for the school's Qualifying Competition will be disqualified. This means, you are no longer a part of our match against Xing Yao."

Somber mood immediately washed over the team as their happy expressions fell upon hearing Si Yang's statement. Their eyes turned to worry, wondering if they would be able to have the youngest to play with them against one of their most formidable opponents.

"Captain..." Da Yong started pleading.

But his plead fell on deaf ears as their captain continued, "The Qualifying Competition is meant to select the top players, who will play against Xing Yao. This is an opportunity that many of you dreamed of. So, whatever excuse you say, if you can't arrive at the court on time, then how can you claim that you're qualified for the competition?"

Jia Li pursed her lips. Though it may seem harsh to bench a skillful player such as Lu Xia in a very difficult competition, she knew Si Yang's motives were clear and reasonable. He only wanted what's best for his team and in doing so, he needed to train them to be responsible.

"Captain," Da Yong began pleading again. "Lu Xia's situation is a little bit special. He's temporarily-"

"I've never thought of giving up." Lu Xia interrupted after being silent. "Yet, Captain is right about the rules so I'll accept the result. However, I've decided to fight with everyone to the end no matter what. And that's what I long to do now."

Si Yang gave him a long stare, which Jia Li couldn't decipher through his unwavering stoic face. "You're still part of Yu Qing no matter what. Though you won't be able to play in the upcoming match, there's still something else for you to work on." He then faced the rest of the team. "All right, everyone else go back to the court and continue the matches." His eyes hardened as no one dared to move. "What are you all waiting for?"

Everyone then scurried away.

That afternoon as Jia Li walked back home, someone suddenly crept up to her side, making her flinch and take a huge step backwards. A woman dressed in casual clothes with an ID dangling from her neck was grinning at her.

"Hi! My name's Xiao Sha but you can call me Sha Sha and I'm a reporter for the Tennis Monthly." The woman beamed, extending out her ID as proof. Jia Li roamed her eyes at her, noticing the camera positioned in front of her. Sha Sha awkwardly retracted her hand as Jia Li continued to study her. "In case you don't remember, I'm the reporter who took pictures before with you in Yu Qing."

Realization dawned on Jia Li as she remembered the last time she had seen this woman. "M-May I help you?"

"Oh!" Sha Sha chirped, taking out a small notebook, ballpen, and earphones, then shoved it at Jia Li's face. "I just want to interview you. How does it feel to be the younger sister of Tang Jia Le? Are you also skillful in tennis? How come you never showed yourself before until you came to Yu Qing? Also, can we continue the interview inside your house?"

Jia Li blinked her eyes as the questions piled up, "W-Wait, how did you know all this information?"

"Easy! I followed you and your brother." The woman chirped as if it was a normal routine for her to do that.

Running a hand through her hair, Jia Li let out a shaky breath, "I-I'm sorry, I'm not doing any interview." She began walking away to their front gate.

But Sha Sha pursued, following Jia Li up to their front gate, "Please, I need the interview. I can't interview any of the players so my only choice is one of their families. And you happen to be a sister of one of the players."

Jia Li froze. She hated being exposed about being related to her brother unless exclusive.

"Can you also share the training plans of the Yu Qing team? Also, does the team know that you're related to one of their teammates?" Sha Sha continued, oblivious to how these were already overwhelming Jia Li. "By the way, why did you transfer from Xing Yao High School to Yu Qing?"

That question snapped Jia Li's attention. How the hell does this woman know everything about her? Jia Li began panicking, her palms were starting to sweat, and her breathing became labored. She quickly shut the front gate, drowning away the reporter's obnoxious voice as Jia Li calmed herself, taking easy breaths.

Jia Li wondered why she was having anxiety attacks again when it didn't even occur when she met the people in Yu Qing. It was supposed to be long gone now but it suddenly engulfed her as she became pressured with the pile of questions dropping onto her — add to that was a persistent stranger reporter.

She exhaled, feeling drained as her xenophobia took over her once again.

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