21: Sports Thing

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The skies were in a hue of grey, forming a dark, yet tranquil atmosphere. Rain had been visiting them often now, pouring its tears on the grounds and engulfing them in a cold embrace. Jia Li pulled her jacket tighter around her as she made her way to the empty court.

Scattered balls were what greeted her, wondering where the team was. She fished out her phone, scrolling through the messages only to see that no one had sent a recent message in the group chat. Maybe they haven't been dismissed yet. Turning around, she decided to leave. But her eyes caught Mu, Huang Jing, and Xiu Wen on the floor, groaning in pain — a tall guy clad in a green tennis club jersey was looming over them. He pointed a racket at Huang Jing, who instantly cowered in fear, "This is the ability of the players of Yu Qing High School? You can't even take the serve."

Who is he? And what is his problem?

"The racket is used for playing tennis not for pointing at people." Jia Li watched as Lu Xia arrived, catching the guy's attention. Droplets of light rain began pouring down as thunder rumbled through the sky.

"Are you Lu Xia?"

"I heard you wanted to talk to me. I don't even know who you are." Lu Xia arrogantly said.

The guy scoffed, his eyebrow raising in annoyance at Lu Xia's attitude, "Do you play such a boring game everyday?"

Lu Xia ignored his question, settling his gaze hard on the intruder, "What do you want?"

Qi Ying suddenly arrived, glancing at the guy before turning to Lu Xia, "Lu Xia, I have already informed the security."

The guy briefly glanced at Qi Ying before settling his gaze on Jia Li, who he had noticed standing not far from behind Lu Xia. The freshman saw it but didn't bother to turn and just simply stared at the guy with his usual blank face.

"I hope you can get to the next round so we can meet in the competition." The tall guy growled lowly, anger releasing from him. "I will teach you a lesson there." He walked past the three, who were still on the floor, cowering, and stopped. Using his racket, he lifted a tennis ball and smacked it hard backwards, hitting the can lying on the ground. Its contents flew out at Lu Xia and Qi Ying's direction.

Jia Li gasped, dashing forward to warn Qi Ying especially, who had her back facing it. "Lu Xia, Qi Ying, watch out!"

Lu Xia immediately pulled Qi Ying to his side as the contents came scratching on them. Jia Li flinched and raised her right arm to shield her face. She felt it pricked through her jacket, wincing as she steadied herself.

Gasps resounded from Mu and Xiu Wen. Their eyes worriedly darted between Lu Xia, who had taken the blow for him and Qi Ying and Jia Li, who hissed at the pain of her right arm. She felt like multiple needles were pricking on her. The arm of her light grey jacket began spreading a few splashes of red and she knew then that it was her blood.

Worry grew on the guy's face as he turned but it disappeared as soon as he showed it. He turned his back at them, "Go and tell He Xing Long to mind his own business." Then he left the place, head held up high.

What does he think of us? His messengers? Jia Li huffed, holding her right arm. And what does Senior Xing Long have to do with him anyway?

Qi Ying stepped away from Lu Xia, gasping at the injury on his face. Her eyes quickly searched for Jia Li, "Senior Jia Li, you're hurt, too!"

"It's just a little scratch, Qi Ying." She tried to reassure the younger girl but the forced smile on her face gave her away.

"I'll take you both to Auntie's office." She immediately gestured Jia Li and Lu Xia to Coach Qi Na's office. "Those wounds need to be treated right away." Mu, Xiu Wen, and Huang Jing followed after them.

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