Chapter 35

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The next day Oliver, Sara, and Laurel snuck into STAR Labs and made their way to the cortex surprising everyone who was there. Team Flash didn't expect Team arrow to just show up without any warning.

"How the hell did you even get in here? I mean we do have a security system in the building. How did you get passed it?" Cisco asked.

"Well, I think you need to work on the system or either get a new one, because we just showed you how easy it is to get in here." Green Arrow said.

"Ok, so what is it that we can do for you?" Caitlin asked.

"I just realized that I have a power and I have no idea how I got it?" Black Canary said.

"Come right this way and I will take a blood sample and see what I can find out?" Caitlin said as they both walked into the med bay.

"So, where are the Flash and Supergirl?" White Canary asked.

"They were here but there was a bank robbery, so they went to stop that real quick." Cisco said.

"They wouldn't happen to need any help, would they?" Green Arrow asked.

"Naw, they just wrapped it up. They will both be here soon." Cisco said.

About a minute after Cisco had said that the Flash and Supergirl both entered the cortex. They saw that the Green Arrow and White Canary were waiting for them. Just then Caitlin and Black Canary walked out of the med bay to join the rest of the group.

"Did you find out anything yet?" White Canary asked Black Canary.

"No, my blood is being analyzed now. Caitlin said that it will take 30 minutes or so." Black Canary said.

"Ok, not that it is not nice to meet the vigilantes of Star City, but we were wondering what you were doing here other then getting a blood test." The Flash said.

"Well, we wanted to officially meet the other heroes in this world and possible start up a team that will be called upon when something big or world ending comes up." White Canary said.

"I like that idea. I think that it would be a good idea to have a team like that incase something really bad ever happens." Supergirl said.

"Ok, well we have a couple of days to spare, so we can start getting this team up and running as soon as possible." Green Arrow said.

"Who will be in charge of this team?" Caitlin asked.

"Well, it will have a governing counsel. It won't be just one person." White Canary said.

"Do you have any ideas who will be on this counsel?" Supergirl asked.

"I was thinking that it could be Green Arrow, Black Canary, and myself, along with the Flash and Supergirl for starters. We should add Superman as well. Do you know of anyone else?" White Canary said.

"How about Batman or Batwoman? They might be interested." Supergirl said.

"We can send out the invitation and see if they are interested." White Canary said.

"Ok, so if we are going to do this team thing, don't you think it would be a good idea to know who we really are under the masks?" the Flash asked.

"Yeah, that would make since. So, how are we going to do this?" Green Arrow asked.

"Let's go one by one and for your information, I already know who the two of you are." White Canary said to the Flash and Supergirl.

"Who do you know who we are? I am pretty sure I have never met you." Supergirl said.

"I will reveal that information after everyone does this reveal." White Canary said and everyone nodded.

"Ok, so who goes first?" Cisco asked.

"I will." Black Canary said as she took her mask off and everyone saw who she was.

"I can't believe that Laurel Lance is the Black Canary." Caitlin said.

"How do you know who I am?" Laurel asked.

"You used to be on the news all the time after that ship went down." Caitlin said and Laurel nodded.

White Canary then took her mask off and they could see that she was Sara Lance and that kind of made since to everyone.

The next was the Flash. He took his mask of and said, "My name is Barry Allen."

Then Supergirl put her glasses on and her suit disappeared and that had Laurel looking at her with a surprised face saying, "Oh my God, Supergirl is Kara Danvers. I love your articles in Catco Magazine."

"Thanks." Kara said with a smile.

All that was left was Green Arrow, so he let down his hood and took off his mask. Everyone in the room was surprised to see that it was Oliver Queen standing in front of them.

"That makes so much since with the green and everything. I guess that would help you hide being that you trained in the jungle." Barry said.

"It did have its advantages." Oliver said.

"Ok, so how did you know who the two of us were before we even told you?" Kara asked Sara.

"I know this is going to sound weird, but I am from the future and in the future all of us have worked together multiple times in order to stop world ending and even multiverse ending threats." Sara said.

"I know that time travel is real, so it is not really that hard for me to believe." Barry said.

"Oh, I know you know about time travel Barry. You haven't tried to save your mom, yet right?" Sara asked Barry.

"No, do I do that in the future?" Barry asked.

"You do, but it had consequences. You created a new timeline called Flashpoint, which cause you to start to forget the old timeline and then you found out that it was not as great as you thought it would be, so you went and let the Reverse Flash kill your mom to put everything back right, but it didn't end up completely the same though." Sara said.

"What ended up happening?" Barry asked.

"People ended up dead that weren't before. Babies changed gender. Things like that." Sara said.

"Wow, I guess I shouldn't do that, then should I?" Barry asked.

"No, you shouldn't. So, when is that blood test going to be ready?" Oliver asked.

"It will be ready soon, but I will have to look over the results so how about you three come back in the morning and we can talk about the results." Caitlin said and Team Arrow nodded and left for the hotel they were staying at.

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