Chapter 5

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Oliver and Sara sitting in Laurel's apartment with Tommy, waiting for her to get home from work so that they could go out to eat because she had canceled for lunch because she had a meeting. When Laurel walked into her apartment, she had the boy with her that Oliver and Sara had seen earlier that day.

"Hey, did you hire him to be your bodyguard too?" Sara said as she smiled at the young boy.

"No, his parents were killed earlier today, and he is going to stay here tonight." Laurel said.

"Oh, I am sorry to hear that. How about the three of you stay at the mansion tonight. We have a lot of security." Oliver said.

"I think that is a good idea." Laurel said because she knew that there would be four vigilantes there to protect the boy.

Sara, Oliver, and Laurel walked into the kitchen to have a private conversation. "So, this is Rasmus, right?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah he is the one I had the case against. You going to take him out?" Laurel asked.

"No, I am trying not to kill unless I have to. I am just trying to get a confession. Sara, you stay at the house with them and I will get back as soon as I can." Oliver said and everyone nodded in agreement.

While Oliver was out getting a confession from Rasmus, Diggle called and said "I have a lead on Deadshot. I could use your help. I need you there in thirty minutes."

"Send me the directions and I will be there." Oliver said.

Oliver got his confession from Rasmus and turned him into the police. He called Sara and said "Hey, I have got to help Diggle with something. I will be there as soon as I can."

As Oliver was about to hang up his phone Sara said "Hey the current just went out. I think we are about to have trouble."

"I will be there in a few minutes." Oliver said.

"What about Dig?" Sara asked.

"He will understand. My family is under attack. If he doesn't then that is his problem." Oliver said.

Sara hung up her phone and turned to Laurel and said "Here take this. It is a retractable staff. You might need it."

"Thanks." Laurel said.

Sara left the room to change into her suit and get ready to fight. She walked into Thea's room to tell her to get ready. Thea wasn't going to do much because she just started training but they could use her as a sniper. She had been showing that she was very competent with a bow.

When Sara walked out into the hall, she heard a noise telling her that someone was around the corner, so she snuck up to the corner so that she could get a better look. She looked around the corner and saw that it was Oliver in his Hood suit.

"Everything is clear up here. Let go check downstairs. Thea take a sniper position up here." Oliver said and Thea went to get into position while Sara and Oliver went downstairs where they came face to face with the assassin.

"Now why would the vigilantes be here of all places?" The assassin asked them.

"We heard someone was after an innocent kid so we thought we would look out for him." Sara said.

The next thing they knew, and arrow came down and hit the assassin in the shoulder. While he was momentarily disoriented because of the pain Oliver and Sara attacked. There was a lot of noise be made because surprisingly the assassin was a nearly a match in hand to hand combat with Oliver and Sara. The noise cause Laurel and Tommy to get worried. Laurel extended her staff and said "Tommy, watch out for Taylor. I am going to help them."

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