Chapter 8

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The next day Oliver and Sara were in the in the lair sparring. They were fighting with sticks and each one of them got their licks in on each other. They heard the door open and they saw Felicity walking into the lair. She went to sit down at her computer to see if there was anything worthy of the Hood and White Canary going on in the city.

"So, where is John? He is always here with y'all." Felicity said.

"Diggle quit because he feels like Oliver picked me of him." Sara said.

"I understand that you didn't do that Oliver, but don't you think you let him quit a little to easily?" Felicity asked.

"No, I don't think I let him quit to easily. I told him what the deal was. I am the leader. I make the calls and I made a call and he didn't like it and he quit." Oliver said.

"I can't believe that you are throwing your friendship away over something like this. I thought both of you were better than this." Felicity said.

"Felicity, Diggle made the decision to leave. He didn't agree with Oliver's choice to protect his family. He just couldn't except that." Sara said.

"I just can't believe that you would let him walk away like that though." Felicity said.

"Felicity, if you have this much of a problem with this then maybe you should leave too. I will not have people on my team that are constantly questioning me." Oliver said.

"Fine. I haven't liked the way things have been going since Sara joined the team anyways. You changed when she joined the team." Felicity said.

"I haven't been trying to change him. I have just been trying to get him to follow his instincts instead of questioning everything because others think there might be a better way. That is how you get killed." Sara said.

"We had been getting Oliver to do things a better way without killing and then he went out last night and killed the Count. He went back to his old ways when you showed up." Felicity said angrily.

"For one thing Felicity, sometimes people are just too dangerous to be left alive. If he would have lived, he would have caused a whole lot more trouble than he already had." Sara said.

"What do you know. You were a part of the League of Assassins. Of course, you would think there was no other way." Felicity said.

"I know from experience how people like the Count are and I do not like killing. That is why I left the League." Sara said.

"Oliver, she is ruining all of the progress that you have made this year. You need to get rid of her. She is not good for you." Felicity said.

"Who are you to tell me who is good for me. I can choice for myself who I want to be with." Oliver said, now getting angry because Felicity was attacking his girlfriend.

"I just hate seeing you throw away everything you have accomplished because of your girlfriend." Felicity said.

"Oh, I see it now. I can't believe I never saw it before." Sara said.

"What are you talking about?" Oliver asked.

"Isn't it obvious. She is in love with you Oliver." Sara said.

"Well that's never going to happen as long as you are here." Oliver said and Sara smiled at him."

Felicity got nervous knowing that they knew that she had feelings for Oliver, so she didn't deny it but then she went on to say "I can't stick around if this is how things are going to be. This was supposed to be a team effort and you have now you decided to go and be a dictator, not letting anyone else have a part in decisions that will impact the team." Felicity said.

"Maybe you are right, but this has always been my crusade so it should be me running things. This was never meant to be a democracy." Oliver said.

"Well, I guess I have no choice but to leave then." Felicity said.

Oliver and Sara said nothing else to Felicity letting her know that she was done as part of the team. They went back to training for a while before they decided to take a break.

"I am sorry that that had to happen, but you are better off without her and Diggle. In the future they second guess your authority all the time and it ends up costing you a lot. Laurel would never had died if you would not have stopped killing because of them. You realized that after Laurel died and you killed the man that killed Laurel. Thea also told me one time that after Laurel died, you killed a couple more people because you thought that if you had killed the man that killed Laurel because he killed her, she would still be alive. I am not saying that killing is the way to go all the time. It is just necessary sometimes." Sara said.

"I know some people are just too dangerous to be kept alive." Oliver said.

"After Tommy died you decided that you were not going to kill any more so that you could honor him. It was a good decision for the most part, but there were a few that you left alive that caused you a lot of trouble. I do not want you killing everyone, and I don't want to kill everyone myself. I just know that there are some people if you leave them alive, it will bite you in the ass." Sara said.

"I understand. I don't like killing, I just know that it is a necessary evil in some cases." Oliver said.

"So, what do you think about Roy?" Oliver asked.

"He was a valued part of your team for a while but had to quit for reasons I hope that won't happen this time around." Sara said.

"Ok, so you are ok if I bring him in?" Oliver asked.

"I think it is a great idea. How are you going to go about getting bring him in?" Sara asked.

"I was thinking I would let Thea bring him in being that she is dating him anyways. So, you say he is really loyal to the team?" Oliver asked.

"I would say so. I mean he did give himself up as the Arrow to keep you from going to jail." Sara said.

"That is more loyalty then I deserve." Oliver said.

"You are too hard on yourself. Now let's go home. It's getting late." Sara said as they left the lair for the night.

A/N: Sorry if this chapter upsets people. Please review and let me know what you think so far.

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