Chapter 66

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Oliver and Sara were about to head to Russia, while Laurel and Dinah were heading to Earth 90 to pick up another Superman. Roy and Thea would be going to get some Depleted Uranium. Oliver and Sara were packing because they knew that they would be in Russia for a couple of days. They went and got on one of the QC's business jets and were on their way to Russia. When they arrived, they were met in the airport by Anatoly.

"My favorite Americans. It is good to see you two together and the fact that you seem to be doing so well. To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" Anatoly asked.

"We are here for the schematics that will build a device that we need to what is coming." Sara said.

"It seems that some Russian General has the plans that we need." Oliver said.

"I know where to look for this man. How do you feel about fighting?" Anatoly asked.

"I don't have a problem with it." Oliver said and Sara nodded in agreement.

"Good, because the only way to get meeting with the General is to win your fight." Anatoly said.

"Well, set it up then." Sara said and Anatoly nodded as he made the call.

An hour later, Oliver and Sara were in a cage surround by six men. "Three for you and three for me?" Oliver asked.

"Sounds good to me." Sara said and they both attacked the men in the ring. They made pretty quick work of the men and then they were led up to the General by Anatoly. The General tried to get them to do a job for him, but Sara attacked the man and was going to dislocate his shoulder unless he gave it to them. The General finally relented and gave them what they wanted. Now Oliver and Sara were on the way to the airport with Anatoly.

"It was good to see you again my friends. I hope to get to see you again very soon. Let's not let it be this long again." Anatoly said.

"We won't. See you later Anatoly." Oliver said and then he and Sara got on the plane and were on their way back on.

While Sara and Oliver were in Russia, Thea and Roy were working on finding the Uranium that they needed. They just had to wait for the truck to arrive that the material was in. While they were waiting Roy decided to take the chance to do something that he had been wanting to do for a while and he thought now was as good a time as ever being that this crisis might end everything.

"Thea, I know this might not be the best timing, but I think it is as good a time as ever. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, however long that will be. Will you marry me?" Roy asked.

Thea had tears in her eyes, and she nodded and then said, "Yes, I will marry you. You just have the worst timing ever. I mean you could do this any night that we are at home." Thea said.

"I know. I just had a feeling that I needed to do it soon. I don't know when we will get married but at least we know that we will one day." Roy said.

"Ok. We will talk about this more later. The truck is here. Let's get this stuff and get out of here." Thea said.

"Ok. I will get the Uranium. You cause a distraction so that I can get in without any trouble." Roy said and Thea nodded.

Thea went into the warehouse and set off the alarms and the driver and the other guy entered the building giving Roy the time he needed to get the Uranium and leave the truck and get to cover. They then met up and were headed back to the bunker.

Laurel and Dinah turned on the extrapolator and walked through the portal and found themselves on Earth 90. They decided to walk towards the Daily Planet since their Clark worked there. They entered the building and went and looked at the directory and see where they could find Clark Kent.

"Looks like he is the editor here. He isn't that high up at home, is he?" Dinah asked.

"No, he is not, but there is a lot of people missing here that are on our earth though." Laurel said.

"Yeah, I can see that there is no Lois Lane here. Wonder why that is?" Dinah asked.

"I don't know, but let's see go and see Clark and see if he will be willing to help with crisis." Laurel said and Dinah nodded.

They went to the receptionist and asked if Clark was available. The receptionist called Clark and found out that he had a few minutes before his first meeting of the day, so she sent them up to his office.

Laurel knocked on the door as they got to the correct floor and Clark let them in. "How can I help you ladies?" Clark asked.

"Well, we know this is going to sound weird, so I am just going to come out and say it. We are from another earth and there is a crisis coming and if we can't stop it, it will wipe out the multiverse. We are going around to get as many heroes as we can to help us." Laurel said.

"That is not the weirdest thing I have ever heard. So, what do you need from me?" Clark asked.

"We need you to be ready to help us when the time is right. We will give you this extrapolator. You can use it to get to our earth at any time. Be on the watch out for a red cloud. It will wipe out this earth. If you see it coming use the portal to come to our earth. Otherwise, just wait until we come for you." Dinah said.

"Ok. I think I can do that. I guess I will see you ladies later." Clark said as Laurel opened a breach and she and Dinah were back on Earth 1.

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