Chapter 60

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It had been a week since Sara and Oliver had returned home from Central City. Everything was calm in Star City as of right now, but they all knew that the Ninth Circle would come sooner or later looking for a way to get back at Team Arrow for killing Dante. They would be ready though.

Sara and Oliver had gone to sleep the night before after having sex, so Sara was very surprised when she woke up the next morning with clothes on. She also was surprised that Oliver wasn't in the bed as well. When she finally took in her surroundings, Sara realized that she wasn't in her apartment either.

"Where the hell am I?" Sara asked herself.

She went and found a newspaper, and everything started to make since. She saw that she was in National City, so she must be in Kara's apartment. Sara knew that all of the heroes would be dealing with the Book of Destiny now.

"Well, I guess I better call Oliver." Sara said as she dialed Oliver's phone.

"Hello." Someone answered the phone who wasn't Oliver.

"Barry, what are you doing with Oliver's phone?" Sara asked.

"I don't know. All I know is I woke up naked, with a naked Kara's head on my chest this morning. Let's just say that was a weird experience." Barry said.

"Well, that means that Oliver is in your place. You and Kara stay there. Ollie and I will be there soon." Sara said as she got ready to go to Central City to get Oliver and go to Star City.

Sara flew out the window thinking that it was cool to have Kara's powers for a little while. Sara arrived at Barry and Caitlin's apartment and knocked waiting to be let in. Caitlin answered the door and let Sara in. "So, how are you doing Kara?" Caitlin asked.

Sara thought it was best to just play along for right now, so she said, "I am fine. I am just here to get Barry because we are need in Star City."

"Well, he will be out in a few minutes. He is just getting dressed." Caitlin said.

Oliver walked in the room seeing Sara with glasses on, so he had to guess that she was now Kara for some reason. "Hey Barry, we are needed in Star City to talk to Sara and Oliver about what is going on right now." Sara said and Oliver nodded understanding what she was doing.

"Yeah, just let me get something to eat really quick then we can go." Oliver said as he sped to the food Caitlin had made and ate it and was ready to go.

Once Oliver and Sara made it to the bunker in Star City, they had to have a serious conversation about what was going on. "So, do you know what is going on here?" Oliver asked Sara.

"Yeah. A man in Gotham has what is called the Book of Destiny. As long as he has it, he can continue to change things until we stop him. So, I think that is where we need to start." Sara said.

"Ok. So, we go to Gotham and get this book and change everything back. What is the purpose of this though?" Barry asked.

"To test us for what is coming. The Crisis on Infinite Earths." Sara said.

"But that is not until 2024. Why are they preparing us so early?" Barry asked.

"It actually got moved up to 2019. It was the most dangerous thing we have ever faced." Sara said.

"So, I will die next year?" Barry asked.

"I don't want to give away too much, but no you don't." Sara said.

"Ok, so let's get to Gotham so we can end this." Oliver said.

"Is there anything that we need to know before we go?" Kara asked.

"Well, someone with a very strong mind has to be the one to read the book. We might need your cousin for this." Sara said.

"I will let him know to meet us there." Kara said as she called Clark.

Thirty minutes later they were all in Gotham waiting on the roof of Wayne enterprises for Clark to show. When he finally did, they all went over their plan.

"Ok, so right now I have superpowers so Clark and I will go after the book. The rest of you need to make sure that the coast is clear for the both of us while I guard Clark while he reads the book." Sara said.

"Ok, the plan sounds good so let's get this done so that we can get back to our lives." Kara said.

The team broke into Arkham Asylum and Sara and Clark went to find the book. They found it and Clark opened the book and turn everyone back to their normal selves. The only problem was that Deegan had given himself superpowers and found them and got the book from Clark. Deegan started to change the world and the only way to stop it was for Barry and Kara to fly around the world as fast as they could.

Clark got the book back from Deegan and erased his superpowers which allowed Sara to be able to take out Deegan while Clark tried to turn everything back. He told Sara and Oliver that Barry and Kara were going to die if he didn't do something fast. Oliver was about to leave when Sara told him to wait for her outside.

"Clark, I need you to look ahead a year and see if Oliver is going to die." Sara said.

Clark did this and saw that Oliver was going to die. "Looks that way. Why?" Clark asked.

"I need you to do something for me." Sara said and then she whispered in Clark's ear what she wanted so that no one could hear, and Clark nodded as he went back to work setting everything back right.

Once Sara met up with Oliver, Sara looked around and said, "Novu, Oliver and I wish to speak to you."

All of a sudden, they were in the Monitor's realm. "What can I do for you Mrs. Queen?" Novu asked.

"Barry and Kara don't deserve to die so we need a way to stop them from dying." Sara said.

"I can help with that, but the two of you have to come with me when I come for you and you have to do it no questions asked." Novu said.

"We can do that. Now give us the way to save our friends." Sara said.

Novu gave Sara a Canary Cry which would allow her to destroy the book. "Is this permanent?" Sara asked.

"Yes, you will be just like your sister. So, go out and save your friends and be ready to come with me when I call." Novu said as he sent them back to the real world.

Sara and Oliver find that Deegan had somehow retrieved the book back and Sara looked at him and screamed as loud as she could, and this caused the book to be shredded by the power of he scream. When the book was gone Barry and Kara showed back up and they celebrated for a while back at Star Labs.

Later that night Oliver and Sara were laying in their bed when Oliver asked, "Why do I feel like we just gave up our lives when it comes to this Crisis that is coming?"

"Because we might have Ollie, but nothing is set in stone. It was always supposed to be you who sacrificed yourself." Sara said.

"Well, I wish you would have let it stay that way. Now Erica is going to be an orphan because the two of us are gone." Oliver said.

"I have a plan Ollie. I will tell you about it later." Sara said.

"I hope you are right." Oliver said as they both got comfortable in the bed.

"I love you Ollie. Good night." Sara said.

"Love you too Sara." Oliver said and then they went to sleep.

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