Chapter 10

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Sara and Oliver were in the bed the next morning talking about what need to be done to help the city. They now had a new computer tech that was ok with taking orders when she needed to and would give her opinion when asked. They had three more people to go out in the field with them to help the cause, even if two of them were just beginning with their training and wouldn't be field ready for a while.

"So, what do we need to do next?" Oliver asked.

"We need to keep taking names off the list and training Laurel, Thea, and Roy to make sure that they are ready when the next big threat comes." Sara said.

"You already know who it is don't you?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah, but it is going to be a while until that happens though. I have already taking care of Merlyn, so we don't have to worry about anything for a while except for being ready for the next when the time finally comes." Sara said.

"So, is there ever a time when I get to hang up the hood? I thought I was going to be done after I stopped the undertaking." Oliver said.

"You never got the chance before, but hopefully this time you will be able to, with my help." Sara said.

"Well in that case, I am glad that you came back from the future to help with that." Oliver said as he leaned over to kiss Sara.

"Glad to help." Sara said as she got on top of Oliver and they made love for the next hour.

Later that day Oliver and Sara walked into the layer to train and when they got there, they saw that Barbara was already there keeping an eye on things that were going on in the city.

"Wasn't expecting to see you here this early." Sara said.

"Well until I get a job, I need to find a way to keep myself busy." Barbara said with a smile.

"I am impressed. Keep up the good work." Oliver said and Barbara nodded.

Oliver and Sara changed into their workout clothes and got on the training mat and started to spar. They kept at it for a while until Laurel walked in and changed into her workout clothes as well. Sara then started to work with Laurel on some techniques that would help her in the field, while Oliver went to do some strength exercises, such as the salmon ladder and some push ups and sit ups. When he was done with that, he worked on so archery target practice.

When Laurel was done working out with Sara it was her time to do some archery practice. They had all decided that when Laurel joined the team that she would know how to use every weapon that was at her disposal. She was becoming just as good at archery as she was with her staff. When they were done training for the day, Sara looked at Laurel and said "Laurel, you have been picking up everything that we have taught you since we have started training you. I am happy to say that you are now field ready. You will be going out with us from now on."

"Yes, Sara and I talked about it this morning and we agreed that you are ready to get out in the field full-time." Oliver said.

"Thanks guys. I will not let you down." Laurel said.

"Now that you have learned everything that we can teach you, you will also be helping us train Thea and Roy. You will be good at training. You have the patience that neither Ollie or I have. That will help them learn better, because we have a tendency to get feed up to easily." Sara said.

"I will help how ever I can. And you don't have to tell me that you are tough teachers. I know that firsthand. Laurel said and they all laughed at that.

"I am glad that we are all so close. I don't know what I would do without you two in my life." Oliver said.

"Well it is better than the last time I went through this." Sara said.

"Meaning?" Laurel asked.

"Laurel, you were depressed because you thought that you were responsible for Tommy's death. You became an addict to both drugs and alcohol. When I showed up you were not happy. Oliver, you were messed up because of Tommy's death and you had decided that you were not going to kill anymore because of it. That ended up costing you a few times over the years. You also were trying to keep an eye on Laurel because you knew that something was wrong with her, you just didn't know what. As for myself, I thought of myself as a killer, so I left the both of you because I didn't want to bring y'all into the darkness with me." Sara said.

"Well if that is what we did last time. I am happy that it looks like we are all doing better this time." Laurel said.

"Most of the problems from last time had to do with all the lies that we kept telling each other. Ollie, you didn't tell Laurel that you were the Hood. She found out from a future bad guy that you face. You didn't tell Thea until your third year back and she hated you for most of the first two years you were back because she knew you were lying to her. Laurel you found out about me because you put two and two together once you found out that Ollie was the Hood." Sara said.

"So, I guess that is the lesson here. We always need to be honest and open with each other and not keep anything from each other that will help with the mission." Oliver said.

"Yeah I guess so. In that case I think I need to let you know who we are going to be facing soon. You aren't going to like it Ollie." Sara said.

"It's ok. I can take it." Oliver said.

"We will have to face someone that you thought of as long dead. We will have to face Slade Wilson." Sara said.

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