Chapter 13

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The next day everyone was waking up in their new apartment. Sure, it was weird having so all of these people living under one roof, but it also made since because they were going to be spending their nights together in the first place, so why not live together as well.

Oliver woke up first. He was planning on cooking breakfast for him and Sara when Laurel waked in and he asked her "Do you want any breakfast? I could always make some more."

"Thanks. That would be great. What are you having anyways?" Laurel asked.

"Pancakes with bacon or sausage. Which would you rather have?" Oliver asked.

"Bacon is good with me. So, what do you and Sara have planned for the day?" Laurel asked.

"Not much really. Just some training, and of course I have to be at the club tonight." Oliver said.

"It must be nice having both of your jobs being at night. Some of us don't have that luxury. I don't get as much sleep as I used to." Laurel said.

"Hey, if you ever need a night off, I will understand, or you could always be my new bouncer. I think you could kick most anyone's ass now that you have completed your training." Oliver said with a laugh.

"I would take you up on that offer, but I love being a lawyer and I can't see myself doing anything else." Laurel said.

"The offer still stands if you ever change your mind." Oliver said as Sara walked into the room.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Sara asked.

"Ollie was just offering me a job as a bouncer at Verdant." Laurel said.

"You would probably be damn good at it. I know that your true passion is being a lawyer though. I can't see you as anything else." Sara said.

"I said something similar. Although sometimes I wonder if being a lawyer is worth it. I mean sometimes I think the system is broken. That is why I decided to join the two of you to help save this city." Laurel said.

"What you do is important Laurel. Even if it doesn't seem like it sometime." Oliver said.

"So, Sara, what do we need to do now that the first big bad is out of the way?" Laurel asked.

"We need to keep taking names off the list. There were other people in on the undertaking with Merlyn. We need to keep an eye on them to make sure that they don't try to continue Merlyn's plans." Sara said.

"Ok, so how are we going to do that?" Laurel asked.

"We need to find out who is in a group named Tempest and tail one of them, and maybe they will lead us to the whole leadership group." Sara said.

"Do you have anywhere to start?" Oliver asked.

"Look into Frank Chen. He was once a member of Tempest." Sara said while looking uncomfortable.

"What are you not telling us Sara?" Oliver asked.

"There is another person who is part of the organization." Sara said.

"Who is it Sara?" Oliver asked.

"I am sorry to say this, but Malcolm threated your mother once the gambit sunk. She had no choice but to join it. He threatened Thea." Sara said.

"Ok, it might be easier to tail my mother. I will see about getting Roy to follow her. It would be good for his training." Oliver said.

"Or maybe two of us can pay her a visit." Laurel said and Oliver sort of liked that idea.

"Ok, lets get this over with, I have to pick up somethings from the mansion. That would be a good time to try this out." Oliver said and Sara and Laurel nodded.

An hour later Oliver was walking into the Queen Mansion to pick up the last of his and Thea's stuff. His mother calls his name from the next room, so he goes to see what she wants.

"I am sorry for all of the pain I have put you and your sister through. I want to try to make it up to you both." Moira said.

"It's not going to be easy, but I think we might can talk about it sometime and we might come to trust each other again. I do have one question though. What do you know about a group called Tempest?" Oliver asked.

"I don't know of any such group Oliver." Moira said.

"Mom, I thought you said we weren't going to lie to each other anymore." Oliver said.

"I am serious. I have never heard of the group." Moira said.

After Moira said that she felt a prick in the neck and she fell to the ground nearing unconsciousness, but she did see Oliver in the same position she was. When Moira woke up, she saw Oliver across from her tied to a chair just like she was.

"Moira Queen, we know that you are part of a group call Tempest. We need to know everything that you know about them." The White Canary said.

"I don't know any group called Tempest." Moira said.

The Black Canary then walked up to Oliver and punched him in the face. Moira still didn't break so Black Canary hit him a few more times, and that finally broke Moira.

"Please stop hitting my child. I will tell you what I know." Moira said.

"Ok, who are the head members?" Laurel asked.

"They are Frank Chen, me, and two other people that we don't know. Moira said.

"Ok, we need you to call a meeting with the leadership of this group." White Canary said.

"Why would I do that?" Moira said.

"Because if you don't, I will be happy to beat on your son some more." Black Canary said as she hit Oliver in the face again.

"Ok, ok, I will do it. Just put my phone to my ear please." Moira said and White Canary did that.

After Moira had made the call she turned to the vigilante's and said "The meeting is set for tonight a ten. What are you going to do?"

"We are going to take them all down, ending their threat to this city for good." White Canary said as they untied Moira and Oliver and left the building.

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