Chapter 9

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The next day the four members of the team met in the lair to discuss what they were going to do with out someone being behind the computer in the lair while they were in the field.

"I know we need someone to man the comms but for right now, it might have to be Laurel and Thea until they are ready to go in the field." Oliver said.

"That might work for a little while, but I might have another idea." Sara said.

"What do you have in mind?" Laurel said.

"Hey, would you mind letting me talk to Laurel about this real quick before I bring it up to the whole group?" Sara asked.

"Go ahead." Oliver said.

Laurel and Sara walk over to the corner of the lair and then Laurel looks at Sara and asked, "What do you have in mind Sara?"

"I was thinking that we have met a computer genius when we were younger when we always had to go to those police conferences with dad. I was thinking that we should ask her if she was interested." Sara said.

"I think that would be a good idea." Laurel said.

"Ok, let's go tell the others." Sara said.

"So, did y'all come up with anything?" Thea asked.

"Yep. We met this girl at some of the police conferences that dad used to take us to. She is an expert in computers. She might even be better than Felicity was." Laurel said.

"Well set it up. We all need to meet her before we decide whether to bring her in or not." Oliver said.

"I will call her now." Laurel said.

Laurel walked out into the alley where it was quit to call her friend to see if she was interested in the job. Once she got an answer, she walked back in and said, "She said she could be here tomorrow, but she will also need a job." Laurel said.

"If she is as good as you say with computers, I am sure she could get a job at Queen Consolidated." Oliver said and they all nodded.

"Ok, so Laurel, you have come quite a ways since we started to train you. I think within a couple of weeks you might be able to go out in the field sometimes. Not all the time though. We will start you out small and work you up to the bigger things." Oliver said.

"Thanks for having so much confidence in me. It means a lot." Laurel said.

"Thea, is Roy still trying to find out who the Hood is?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah and he is starting to be suicidal trying to get your attention." Thea said.

"Well I want you to bring him to meet me in the alley behind the club tonight. I will talk to him." Oliver said and Thea nodded.

Oliver and Sara changed into their suits and went to meet Roy and Thea in the alley. When they got there, they saw Roy and Thea talking until Roy realized that they were there.

"Your girlfriend says that you have been looking for us." Oliver said.

Roy turned to look at Thea and said "Wait, you know who the vigilantes are?"

"Sorry Roy, it was not my secret to tell, but they are willing to listen to what you have to say." Thea said and Roy turned back to the vigilantes.

"I want to be a part of your team. The two of you saved my life and I want to be able to help people like you two do." Roy said.

"That's good to hear because we have an opening. Meet us here tomorrow at four and we will take you to our lair and start your training." Sara said.

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