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"IT'S a special day today!" Sophia giggled, "the finale. We're also going to Hong Kong!" Sophia looked at Cody who was sitting next to her in the taxi, and also sadly Team Yale was still here.

They got to the airport and got their tickets, then got onto the plane to go to Hong Kong.

Once they arrived, Sophia grabbed Cody's hand, "taxi!"

Hong Kong looked so amazing, she was so excited to navigate.

"It's night time right now," Sophia said from inside the taxi, "and yeah."

They arrived there with Alex and Conor, going through the crowd of people and went to the clue. They had to take a picture, so Cody posed with a smile on his face, his arm wrapped around Sophia as Sophia kissed his cheek.

"I was more distracted by Cody than the view," she giggled.

They got into another taxi with their clue, following Conor and Alex, and when they got out they found a detour.

"Hairy Crab," Sophia suggested.

They went to their detour by boat. There was water pouring down on them and Sophia was currently hating her life.

Cody shrugged and basically did everything himself.

"Now this is why," she laughed, "I love him. I'm terrified of crabs - "

"You're scared of everything," he joked.

"No - no! I'm just scared of things that can hurt me."

About 15 minutes later they had about 20. Sophia was getting really frustrated, just because who wouldn't.

About 5 minutes later they had about 35. Cody was carrying the whole thing. Literally.

Soon enough they had all 50 and all were good, and they received their next clue.

Now they had a roadblock to do.

Sophia nodded and volunteered to do it.

She basically had to smash all the electronics and find two halves of a clue.

She had a lot of frustration to let out.

"Hey, Sophia!" Cody yelled, "think about Tiffany and how much you wanna kick her ass!"

She nodded and slammed a bat into a TV screen, breaking the whole thing. She could tell people winced at her shot.

A briefcase was also attached to Cody's wrist.

She hit the bat repeatedly onto a keyboard, a computer, and a lot of other things.

She cracked a lot of glass.

She found two halves of a clue and then splattered paint all over the pile of electronics. Then, she read the clue with Cody.

They had to go to Lan Kwai Fong to find specific leg numbers.

Cody and Sophia both ran around and found a few signs, like a bull and a hat.

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