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EDITED AS OF 5/17/2021

SOPHIA GRABBED HER FLANNEL from downstairs. She put it in the bag under the garbage in the trash can, then proceeding to close the lid. She rubbed her hands together, smiling evilly at the camera, which had moved to focus on her.

"Hehe." She smirked.

She grabbed Cody's piece of clothing from his room, his blue, flowered hat, because it's the hat he wore most often. He loved that hat, so she ran to the storage room with quiet footsteps and placed it in the same spot.

"This is gonna be so fun."

{1:44 PM}

It was time to pick players for the veto competition.

Obviously, Frankie, Cody, and Caleb were already playing. Sophia was hoping for a houseguest choice from Cody or her name.

Frankie picked Victoria.

Cody picked Donny, there goes that plan.

Caleb picked Christine.

"I wasn't picked for the veto." Sophia stated. "I'm sad, I'm miserable. I can't save Cody this week. So I'm hoping he can save himself."

{2:22 PM}

Sophia and Cody were in the bathroom, Sophia was showering and Cody was sitting down talking to her.

She was just finishing up, so she got out and put a towel on, putting her hair up to let it dry so she could dry it out later.

"I'm back!" A robotic voice yelled.

"Oh my fucking god, zingbot!?" Sophia screamed, running out of the bathroom with a change of clothes on. She screamed as she hugged Zingbot, who was near the kitchen table.

She sat down at the table, hype to get zinged.

"You all look more attractive." He paused. "In person! Props!"

"Props?" Sophia questioned. "I don't like this."

"Donnyyyyy!" She smiled. "I love your beard!"

"Aw, thank you!" Donny said, clutching his beard.

"But I wish it didn't cover your... handsome face!" Sophia smiled at the compliment, but she really wasn't having any fun.

"Props!" Zingbot yelled.

"This is no fun. Come on Zingbot!"

All of a sudden the doorbell rang to reveal Kathy Griffin.

"Oh my fucking god, Kathy Griffin! She roasts everyone, she is going to BARBECUE us. I'm so excited."

Kathy yelled at Zingbot basically, then said, 'let me show you how it's done.' Sophia groaned, rubbing her hands together. She was super excited.

"Caleb!" She yelled. "You and Amber have something in common." Sophia was already laughing at this point. "You think she's drop-dead gorgeous, and she wants you to drop dead." Everyone burst out laughing at that.

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