-> twenty one

494 12 2

EDITED AS OF 5/6/2021


Sophia didn't know much about what was going on, she didn't really care much either.

At this point, she was living for drama.

She sat down at the kitchen table and ate her ramen noodles in the kitchen, listening in just as she heard Paulie say a few very offensive words from the other room.

"You're as fake as those things on your chest."

Sophia choked on her food while Cody's jaw dropped a bit at his brother's comment.

"Did he - did he seriously just say that?" Sophia questioned as they both looked back towards the bedrooms, "or am I hearing things?"

A little while later everyone had seemed to be going up to the HOH room.

"I said goodnight to Natalie," were the first words she heard as she sat down with her breakfast, also known as her regular ramen noodles. "Told her she was as fake as those things on her chest."

"Seems like a personal attack," Bridgette spoke.

"Seemed like a personal attack on her part," Paulie fired back.

Natalie came up a few minutes later, "hey guys, what's up?"

"Well I don't know. What would you like to discuss?"

"I don't know, just why you treated me like that."

"Okay, why have you said half the things that you have said about me?"

"Because it's true."

"Don't try to play the victim, sweetheart. Everyone knows your game."

Paul and her were just eating hot Cheetos, as this all went down, handing Bridgette a few in the process.

James and Natalie both left the room as Paul threw insults at her, then clapped when they went downstairs.

Silence. You could hear a fucking pin drop.

"I'm trying not to be loud - " Paul spoke, taking a hot Cheeto out of the bag.

"Sorry, um - hot cheetos, anyone?" Sophia nibbled on them as she spoke while Paulie laughed bitterly.

"I'm not so sure aboutfuck. I'm not sure about Paulie anymore. I should be with him because like, he's Cody's brother but.. this is just wrong."


It was now time for the HOH.

Of course, another mental competition.. but she was going to try her best.

Round one, it was Michelle and James, and Michelle was out.

Round two, Sophia was out.. whoopty fucking doo.

Round three, Natalie was out.

Round four, Paulie was out.

Round five, James was out.

Round six, Paul was out, which meant it was down to Cody and Victor.

"Congratulations Victor! You are the new head of household!



The package came out of no where, hitting Natalie on the head, making the houseguests all laugh as they kneeed down next to the package.

They read the name, "Sophia!"

"Wait - really?" She laughed, "America must know! They watch the feeds!"

She walked over to her package and opened it, immediately seeing a bear earred hoodie.

"Geez - how did that fit in there?" Cody questioned. She shrugged.

"New sunglasses!" She shouted happily, immediately putting them on, "thanks America!"

She then found a bunch of new scrunchies. Yey!

And lastly she found a bunch of different lip glosses that had been sods flavored. Coke, Fanta, Pepsi, Sprite, Rootber, etc.

"That's so cute!" She smiled, then finding the card at the bottom, "super safety!" She read. "Congratulations Sophia, America has sent you the power of Super Safety. With this power, not only will you be safe this week, but you will be safe  from everything, thanks to a super safety costume - " she grunted as everyone laughed, "god fucking dammit."

A few minutes later she came out of the diary room with a safety outfit on. Her favorite part about it was the traffic cone hat.

"Who wants to see my Super Safety costume?" She giggled, jumping up and down.

"Holy hell - " the boys in the living room freaked out as she pressed a button on her costume, then glowing red, orange and yellow.

"God - that's sexy as fuck!" Cody looked at her in shock.

"Never knew someone could rock a unitard so well."


"This is the nomination ceremony. It's my responsibility as head of household to nominate two houseguests for eviction. I will turn two keys to lock in my nominations and their faces will appear on the memory wall. The first houseguest I have nominated is..."

Paulie's face appeared.

"The second houseguest I have nominated is..."

Cody's face appeared.

She was pissed right now. She loved Victor so much as a friend but those were two of her closest allies.

"This nomination ceremony is adjourned."


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