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EDITED AS OF 5/17/2021

Zach and Frankie literally blew up after the BOB.

Like, full on fight.

"You've been talking shit about me to Sophia and Nicole." Zach yelled.

"No, I've had your back, unlike you!" Frankie yelled back.

"You lie to fucking everyone!"

"Oh my god, that's Big Brother!"

"Well I'm fucking calling you out for it!"

"Ok and I'm gonna fucking admit to it!"

Sophia absolutely loved this. She was having a great time watching this whole thing.

"This is Big fucking Brother!"

"I'm calling you a liar!"

"I fucking know!"

"I'm glad everyone knows that now!"

"I'm sorry! Are we done now?"

Sophia laughed loudly at the drama occurring as she drank some coffee from the coffee machine.

"This is hilarious." She yelled. "Fucking hilarious."

For some reason they quickly left to the fire room, whatever for her, she could just go hang out with the girls in the bathroom.

{5:32 PM}

"Come on Sophia!" Frankie yelled.

"I'm fucking coming. I had to get some ice." She yelled back as she walked into the living room. She hugged a pillow and sat down.

"Okay, so.. I have been lying to all of you this entire game." Sophia eyed the other girls but continued to listen. "I am not who I said I was. My name is Frankie J. Grande."

Sophia's mind immediately drifted to one of her favorite singers. She couldn't believe it though.

"Nuh-uh, you're so full of it." Christine said.

"What's my sister's name?" Frankie asked.

Sophia hesitated. "Ariana Grande?" He nodded.


"Wait, she's your sister?" Sophia asked, her jaw dropping.

"My sister is Ariana Grande."

"Holy shit, you're like, famous." Next second, Victoria screamed with excitement behind her. "Holy crap."

{6:07 PM}

It was then time for the veto picks.

Christine picked Derrick.

Zach picked Caleb.

Donny picked Nicole.

Not even an hour later, Victoria came out of the diary room.

"Aloha houseguests! It's time for the veto competition! Get dressed and meet me in the backyard!" She yelled.

Sophia gave her a hug, she looked seriously adorable in her Hawaii themed outfit.

In the backyard...

It was OTEV!

"What the fuck, I get to miss OTEV!?" Sophia yelled.

Apparently he was now a pissed off penguin.

Round one, Nicole faceplants, Donny is eliminated.

Round two, Nicole is eliminated.

Round three, Christine is eliminated.

Round four, Derrick is eliminated.

In the final round, Zach won the power of veto.

Well fuck.

{1:03 PM}

There was a little drama.

Apparently Zach had told Victoria about the whole alliance, and she was very upset with Derrick and Sophia, but more with Derrick.

Of course the whole house had a conversation on it in the HOH room.

Sophia wasn't really listening.

She didn't really care for another one of Zach's lies.

Apparently Zach told Derrick that Sophia had told Victoria a bunch of lies and now she was upset with Derrick. But in the end, Zach had turned out telling the truth and saying how he lied about the whole thing... wow. Unexpected from a professional liar.

Then Zach said something, and that set Victoria off.

Atta girl, Vic.

A few minutes later when everyone left except her and Derrick, Derrick spoke up.

"So I don't think we can do this week's mission." Derrick admitted, and Sophia agreed.

"Yeah, not in Donny's position." She nodded.

"Sorry guys." Derrick said. "Maybe next week."

{3:12 PM}

At the veto ceremony, obviously Zach used it on himself.

And then... Christine nominated Nicole.


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