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"YOU motherfucker!" whisper-yelled Sophia, hitting Cody on the arm. He could tell that she was clearly annoyed, and he didn't blame her. He kind of flipped on her without telling her. "You know I would've voted with you, whatever you did would've been fine. I don't have any side except you."

"I know your mad—"

"Mad!?" she exclaimed, eyes wide even through the darkness. "I'm more than mad, I'm pissed! You could've gave me a whisper or a heads up, could've mouthed it to me!"

"Listen," Cody stopped her hands which were flailing around to just express her anger. He held her hands in his and looked deep into her eyes. "I'm sorry. But the risk of someone seeing me whispering to you last second was too big. You know that."

"Then just mouth it to me! I can read lips!" She whisper-yelled angrily, "you could've done something to let me know! I know you could just go screw it and vote anyone since you're safe, but the amount of stress that you caused me in that moment was more than you could imagine."

"I know you could've gone home, and I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking straight, especially after they started fighting over us like we were their prey." Cody continued to stare at her, "I panicked, dumbass."

"That much was clear," she grumbled, but then looked back up at him, "next time tell me when you're switching the vote and we won't have this argument."

"I promise. Now get over here."


"Come on in, guys!"

Sophia sat down in her usual spot next to Ciera and Cody, crossing her legs and taking a sip from her canteen. She had forgiven Cody pretty easily but obviously had to let out her frustration.

"Let's bring in the competitors for today's duel. Tina, Laura, and Katie, voted out at the last tribal council."

"For today's duel, you're gonna use sticks and rope to fasten a long pole. You'll use that pole to retrieve three keys. Those keys open three locks. The first two to open their door live to see another day on redemption island."

"Take your spots, we'll get started."

Once they got into their spots, Jeff yelled out, "survivors ready? GO!"

The three moved quickly, tying ropes around thin sticks. Tina immediately started barking out advice to Katie while Laura retrieved her first key.

The other two got their poles as well, Katie getting her first key while Laura got her second, while Tina was short.

Laura got her third key back quickly, while Tina got hers together. Laura started undoing the locks, and when she did she walked through her door, leaving it to Tina and Katie to battle it out.

Katie dropped her second key in the sand while Tina got her second key back. She got her third key back just in time and started undoing her locks.

When she opened the door, she had mixed emotions about just beating her daughter. That was clear when they got back to their spots. It almost made Sophia cry too.

"Well Katie, after 33 days in this game, your run is over. Toss your buff in the urn on the way out."

Katie hugged her mom before tossing her buff in the fire. Sophia waved to her as she left the arena and she waved back with a smile on her face.

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