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SOPHIA ran down the sidewalk of the busy city, right behind her boyfriend and partner for The Amazing Race, Cody Calafiore.

People that walked past her somehow recognized her, occasionally waving and occasionally just glancing her way. The sneakers she was wearing were her lucky ones, in hopes of not failing on the first race.

The path they were instructed to go on was quite big, big enough to run through and wave to the fans on the sidelines. Sophia was quite excited to begin the race.

She felt something warm cover her hand as they ran through, looking down to see Cody's hand attaching itself to hers. A blush appeared on her cheeks before she smiled, waving to everyone to had cheered for them.

There were a few teams she recognized as she stopped in front of the fountain, like Joey Chestnut was some sort of professional eater or something. She hadn't watched that kind of stuff, but she heard about it on the news before.

Ever since Sophia won Big Brother 18, she had gotten a car and had gotten a house with Cody. They now both live together, both are too awkward to upgrade their relationship any further.

Sophia then realized that NBA all stars were here.. she was shocked.

She smiled as the race was about to start.

"The world is waiting for you. Good luck, travel safe..."


Sophia sprinted to her and Cody's bags while Cody ran into the fountain, grabbing their clue.

Cody grabbed his backpack from Sophia's hands and Sophia put her backpack on her back as they read the clue.

A camera came in front of her and she squealed, "we're going to Iceland!"

Everyone started running out of the starting point.

Game on.


Cody and Sophia both hopped into a taxi.

"I'm Sophia, and this is my boyfriend Cody."

"Sophia and I met on Big Brother 16. I got runner up and she got third. Then we came back for BB18 and I got 4th, she won."

"I'm a fitness model, and Cody used to be a soccer player, but now he's a model. Hopefully our fitness levels and our smarts can help us."

Soon enough they were on a flight to Iceland.

"This is gonna be awesome," Cody spoke to the camera.

Teams are coming from New York and all the way to Reykjavik, Iceland.

They went into a car to get to their next destination. Sophia was going to be reading the map while Cody would drive.

"Okay - so we're going to some sort of waterfall," she spoke to no one in particular, "I can't believe we're like.. in Iceland. That's super cool."

Soon the sun was out. The sight was beautiful, she swore there was even a rainbow, though it wasn't raining.

The scenery was amazing as they stopped at their location. Sophia almost tripped as she got out of the car.

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