-> two

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EDITED AS OF 5/21/2021

"IT SUCKS TERRIBLY," Sophia shrugged, putting on one of Cody's hoodies. "It's like my worst nightmare come true."

"This is literally my second season, I just got back, and I could be the first one evicted? This absolutely sucks!"

Tiffany just walked in, followed by Da'Vonne, and Sophia frowned for a second as they both left two seconds later.

"That was strange." Sophia mumbled.

Then Paul walked in, sitting down next to Glenn.

"You alright, Sophia?" He questioned, looking straight up at her. It literally felt like his eyes were piercing into her soul.

"I'm okay, I guess," she shrugged again, walking out of the telephone room.


"This time, I really want to make sure I'm actually playing Big Brother. I really trust Corey, and I think that if I can get him to think that it was his idea to make me HOH, it'll really help me."

"I think that if you're HOH, it could be really good for you and I," Corey nodded, and she smiled a bit. "Only if you want to though."

"Yeah! Like, I honestly wouldn't want it but out of respect for you, I would do it." Sophia smiled at him.


The rules were explained for the competition.

Basically it was like you had to climb up a tree of a moving island, grab a coconut, and place them in holes on the SOS a sign.

Sophia, attempting to climb on her island, slipped a bit, laughing. She fell off immediately, causing an obnoxious laugh from Paul.

"Hard fall!" He yelled. She rolled her eyes a bit and climbed back on.

Starting the competition, she was off to a great start. She was placing her coconuts quickly, and at a steady pace too.

"My strategy is to get the harder spots first, then go for the closer ones."

It had taken five minutes for Sophia to then place her last coconut. She was inching toward her flag, plucking it out of the platform. She looked back at her coconuts, which stayed in place, and she screamed with joy.

"Yes! Fuck yeah! Hell yes!" She screamed, pumping her fist in the air.

She saw Cody out of the corner of her eye, beaming at her victory.

"None of them were even cheering for me," she laughed. "Chew on that, suckers."

Then Tiffany got hers, sitting next to Sophia in the small boat.

Now it was between Corey and Glenn, and both reached for the flag...

And picked it at the same time?

"Do you know who picked it first?" Tiffany whispered, and Sophia shook her head.

"This came down to a photo finish," Victor announced. "But I can confirm that the one who picked their flag with all their coconuts in place first was..."

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