-> eleven

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"WE'RE having girl time right now."

"Why can't I be one of the girls?"

Natalie giggled as she dipped the purple nail polish back into the small glass, gathering more on the small brush to put onto Sophia's pinkie finger.

"Because, you're a boy." She laughed. "What, do you want your nails painted too? Then you'll be initiated?"

Cody nodded with his classic puppy eyes, a pout on his lips as he stared at her.

She couldn't help but chuckle, "Okay. What color do you want? We have blue, red, purple, pink, and black."

He thought for a moment before examining the blue one, then handing it to her.

"Alright, I'll do your nails." She smiled as Natalie moved on to her toenails, then she grabbed Cody's hand and pressed the small brush lightly on his nails.

"Gh - it feels weird."

"Feels wet, right?"

"I mean - I don't know how to explain it. It's just weird." She looked up at him with a cheeky smile as he raised her hand to his lips, never breaking eye contact.

"Pfft - you're such a dork."

"Only for you."

"You guys are so adorable, it's just so cute!" Natalie squealed.

"This feels like - what's that movie called? Beauty and The Beast? Cody's my beast."

"Ooh, I like the sound of that~" Cody smirked cheekily at her.


"I think it's best to keep Tiffany," Da'Vonne came right out with it, Sophia was so glad someone agreed.

"Yeah, I agree," Sophia nodded along as Michelle also agreed with them. "The thing is, she wouldn't put any of us up. Maybe she's a threat to them, but not to us."

"Should you tell Cody?" Michelle questioned, biting her nails.

"No - no." Sophia shrugged. "I love the guy and all, he is my boyfriend, but he really is set on getting Tiffany out. I don't know why. Plus if he told Bridgette about our plan we'd probably get screwed."

"I am SO glad that Day is on board, I can't even tell you how happy I am. Now all we need is to get Zakiya to flip and we're good."

Of course, Zakiya agreed.

She was very happy with the results of everything, the votes were set within her small girls alliance.


Well, this was very public.

James was basically asking everyone in the backyard who they were voting.. though it was only the Eight Pack out there.

Sophia laid down on her sun chair as she let the hot sun reflect onto her back. Her sunglasses covered her eyes, covering the confusion on her face.

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