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"HELLO America!" She waved to the camera above her with a laugh. "Welcome to my new cooking show! Today I'm going to be making a gourmet ham and cheese sandwich."

She tried her best to explained what she was doing to the viewers. It was about 5 in the morning and no one was up yet.

"You need to make sure to cook the sides so you don't get salmonella," she spoke, a small smile appearing on her lips, "cuz we don't want that to happen."

Cody had woken up without her noticing, coming up behind her and giving her a hug.

"And this is my boyfriend, Cody," she smirked a bit as she played with his curly hair, "he's annoying as shit, but I love him."

A smile played its way onto his lips, and he looked at the meal she had created, "Holy shit, are you some sort of five star chef?"

She laughed, "try it." So he did, he took a bite of the perfectly cooked ham and cheese sandwich and groaned at the taste, giving the camera a thumbs up.

"That's pretty good. Why does Zingbot shit on your cooking?"

"Heh.. that's what Paulie also said."


Sophia wanted Michelle gone more than anything. That was all she could think about.

"What up?" Cody questioned as he entered the HOH room.

"What time is it?" Sophia asked, rubbing her eyes sleepily.

"6," Cody then cleared his throat, "James - like - he really wants the 5 grand. He keeps telling me he'll throw the HOH comp if I give it to him."

Sophia raised her eyebrows, "oh really?"



"Everyone's sleeping?"

Victor followed Michelle into the bathroom. Sophia frowned.

"Just the fact that Victor is following Michelle just makes me paranoid," she spoke, "scary shit."

"Michelle, please put on your microphone."

Sophia froze.

Were they talking game?


They decided to use the bribe on Victor. Hopefully it wouldn't seem sketchy, but they wanted to make sure Victor's intentions were to get rid of Michelle.

Obviously he accepted it.

He looked a bit emotional, which honestly made Sophia happy.

"Final Four!" They cheered.


"It's time for some love."

Sophia teared up.

First it was Victor's two parents.

Then Cody's dad.

Corey's sister, mom, dad, and dog.

Michelle's mom and dad.

Paul's mom, dad, and cat.

Natalie's mom.

James's daughter and son.

And now Sophia's best friend.

"Hey Sophia! I miss you so much girl, you've been doing so well this summer. It's honestly crazy - and speaking of crazy, you left me back home to take care of your billions of pets! Do you know the torture I've gone through!?" Parker, the girl on the screen, laughed, "but anyway, I love you, you're so entertaining, I watch you every night, and I can't wait to have some girl time with you! Cya girl!"

"Sophia - I have to ask, how does it feel to hear from Parker again?"

Sophia wiped a tear that had started to roll down her cheek, "it's amazing Julie. I miss her, she's my whole life.. I don't know how I've survived without her this long."

After that it was time for the eviction.

People had gone into vote... though Sophia was paranoid about it, she was also confident that it would go her way.

"When I reveal the vote, the evicted houseguest will only have a few moments to say goodbye, grab his or her belongings and walk out the front door. By a vote of 3-2, Michelle you are evicted from the Big Brother house."

Her exit speech was legit calling Sophia a snake and saying how she should be the next one evicted. It's always nice to hear something like that, am I right?

As she walked out the door Sophia shouted, "hey Michelle! See ya never!"


Sophia remembered this comp from BB16. You had to maneuver eggs through holes in the fences. Too bad she wasn't playing in this comp, her and Cody won this once.

Everyone seemed to have been doing well. The boys were at a bit of a disadvantage due to their huge hands, but Natalie had it easier, due to her smaller hands.

The only advantage to not playing in the comp was that she wouldn't be a have not.

"You guys probably thought these eggs would go over easy!" Sophia shouted jokingly, "wow, that looks egg-hausting!"

"Sophia, you look egg-cellent in those white shorts!" Cody shouted.

"Nice one," Sophia laughed.


Cody, Natalie, and Victor had a three way tie with two letters knocked down. Sophia was biting her nails, it was just stressful. Now Paul joined in on the tie.


Victor's shot looked hopeful, the egg went straight for the H and knocked it down.

Sophia screamed in victory as Victor walked over to her and picked her up.

"Congratulations Victor, you are the new HOH!" Sophia laughed.


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