-> four

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EDITED AS OF 5/21/2021

"OH MY GOD." James cackled, clapping his hands.

"What happened?" Cody questioned, walking into the bathroom. Sophia laughed at them both, going into the shower and taking her hair out.

"Sophia peed her pants."

"Wait—" Cody slammed his fist on the sink as his laughter filled the house. "Oh my god—you peed your fucking pants?"

"I'm ticklish as fuck!" She blushed with embarrassment, glaring. "He was tickling me, so I peed my pants! That's his fault, not mine!"

"Wait—you're ticklish?" Cody questioned with a smirk.

It was then and there that Sophia knew she fucked up.

Cody pulled her out of the shower before she took off her pants. He tickled her hips and laughed against her ear as her giggles progressed, getting louder and louder.

"C—Cody!—Haha—Stop! I'm gonna kick your—hahaha—ass!" She struggled in his arms to move, she didn't want anyone to see her revealed. Her top was off and she was trying to cover her boobs as best she could. "Cody! I swear to—HAHAHAHAHA—god I'm gonna fucking kill you! I don't have a fucking shirt on!"

"That just makes you look even better~"

"Cody—" she playfully hit him as he dramatically hit the floor, laying on the cold tile. She covered her boobs with one of her arms and with her other arm hit him repeatedly. Some of the houseguests knew what was happening without looking at her, both were laughing and they kept hearing the vibrations of slaps and punches. "That's why you don't pull me out of the shower with my shirt off."

She gave him the middle finger.

You go, girl.


"Hey everyone! It's time to pick players for the first veto competition!"

"I cannot pick Victor! If I pick Victor, he'll take off one of his allies. I'm okay with him taking off Paul, but the risk of him taking off Jozea is too big."

"Da'Vonne." Sophia smiled at the name that she had picked out of the box. Now just one more.

"Please god, please." She folded her hands together.

"Me!" Sophia laughed as she flipped her shoulder length hair back.

"That was cute." James spoke as Sophia turned her head toward Cody. He nodded.

"I want to take Paulie off the block. The Calafiore brothers can't have one going home first week." Cody spoke.

"I'll pick Cody."


Sophia was jumping up and down with Zakiya in the HOH room. Da'Vonne sat down on the couches playing with the beads in her hair.

"I'm so happy that I didn't pick Victor," Sophia laughed. "Now he has to do it all on his own!"

"He looked like his soul left his body," Zakiya mimicked him as her eyes got wide.

"Day, you keeping it the same?" Sophia questioned, and Da'Vonne nodded.

"I ain't pullin' nobody down." She smiled at Sophia.

"Mwahahahahahahaha." She shuffled her hands.


"Hey guys! It's time for the first veto competition of the summer!" Michelle announced, running out of the diary room in her costume. "It may get a little rough!"

Sophia ran outside in her dog costume, smirking at the hottie, Cody.

Sophia looked like a tomato. "Okay, no. He's hot."

"Kiss, kiss, kiss!" People chanted. Sophia laughed, and ran over to Cody, her new pet, and gave him a light kiss before going to her lane.

Michelle explained the rules of the veto comp. She thought she played this in her original season, though she may have just watched it... don't remember.

Sophia got super dizzy as soon as she 'chased her tail' and crawled to her bones. She thought the world was turning upside down.

"Sophia looks like death, biatch." Bronte spoke. She didn't look very impressed.

"Poor Sophia, she looks like she's gonna barf up her lunch." Zakiya laughed.

"Not gonna lie, I kind of feel bad for her! She's a really hot pooch, but she's not lookin' so hot right now." Tiffany commented with a smile.

She was honestly trying to focus. She had come up with a strategy, make some sort of square or rectangle. That'd be the easiest choice.

She was already doing pretty well, considering Jozea was making a first grade project with his bones and Paul had just... a blob.

Whoops, spoke too soon.

She heard Paul hit his buzzer and groaned, covering her face in her hands for a moment before putting on a fake smile and hugging him.


"Everyone is taking naps, so it's a perfect time for us to have our meeting. Let's go, Zakiya." Da'Vonne spoke sarcastically, making Zakiya laugh as she got up. "That was for me to discreetly come and tell you."

"Hey, Z? Take notes." Sophia looked at her and Zakiya nodded.

"I know exactly what they're talking about in this meeting. It's Paulie. Cody's laughing, I'm laughing, everyone's an idiot."

"Hey, is the shower open?" Michelle questioned as she walked in.

"Oh—uh yeah, I think they just got out." Bridgette also walked in from behind, which surprised Sophia.

"Hey, were you not invited either?" Sophia questioned, eating her popcorn.

Bridgette looked at her, "No, I was. I just think these meetings are uncalled for."

"Most of the meetings are about me!" Paulie laughed fakely.

"Yup." Bridgette confirmed, cuddling up next to him.

"Nice practice for my self control." Paulie rolled his eyes.


"I will be removing myself from the block," said Paul as he sat down on one of the couches.

Now, here was the situation. Sophia didn't know who Cody was putting up. She had bonded a lot with every single one of the choices, so technically anyone would be terrible for her game.

The screen spun around, until it landed on Bridgette.

Bridgette looked discouraged, so Sophia gave her a reassuring side hug as she looked down.

"This veto meeting is adjourned."

981 words

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