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"AW, I have three teddy bears."

Sophia laughed as she was squished by Corey, Cody, and James.

Corey was on top, Cody was in the front, and James was in the back. She was kind of dying under there, and all three of their bodies on hers just made her feel warm.

She tried to pop a random question to break the ice.

And that question was, 'can you idiots get off of me'.

Cody rolled off of her, bumping into Corey and then into James, causing all three of them to roll off the couch. She mocked them, clapping as she couldn't help but giggle.

"...Ow." Cody groaned, laying limp on the two boys.

It was very late, so most likely they were tired. They all had their eyes closed.

"Awh, my children are tired." She giggled as Natalie walked past.

"Aw! They look so cute - "

"SHH! My children are sleeping!"


"You ok, Bronte?" Sophia questioned as she entered the HOH room.

"I mean - it's hard, but yeah. I guess," Bronte smiled a bit.

"I don't want Natalie, Bridgette, or Bronte to know that I'm the person who won the BB Roadkill. It could really screw things up and that's not what I want right now."

"I think that the person that put you up, didn't do it to like, send you home, Y'know? And I feel like they put you up because your a strong competitior and can help get Tiff out."

"I don't want Tiffany out. But Bridgette's in here, so this is kind of what I need to do."

"Like, I'll take you off the block if I win the veto." Sophia crossed her hand over her heart. "Cross my heart." up reference


"Hey everybody! It's time to pick players for the veto competition!"

"I don't want to play in this POV, because then I'll have to throw it." She sighed. "I know I said I'd take Bronte off, but that was only to keep my cover."

Bridgette firstly chose Bronte, then Bronte picked Natalie.

Then Paulie was picked.

Thank god. That's such a good scenario.


"Hey everybody! It's time for the veto competition! Grab your gear and head to the backyard!"

The competition looked adorable.

Wait - holy shit.

"Outback Steakhouse!? Oh my god - I'm so fucking excited." She punched her fist upward and smiled. "I love steaks, chocolate cake... their food is awesome. I can't even right now."

Round one, Bronte and Natalie both blew up.

"Oh shit - " Sophia clapped her hands. "Glad I ain't playin' in that."

Round two, Paulie blew up.

"Pfft - Paulie you look like a clown!"

Round three, Tiffany blew up.

Now, if anything Sophia wanted Paul to win, she didn't want to have to make a replacement nominee in place of Bronte if Bridgette took her off, though Cody could tell her not to use it.

...And Paul blew up.

God fucking damnit.

"Jump up, back to back, spin around." Cody spoke to Bridgette.

"What? Ok - " Bridgette looked confused but shook her head and did the back to back thing with Cody, falling as Sophia heard a snap.

Sophia kneeled down next to Bridgette and rolled up her pant leg, staring at her ankle which had already started to turn blue.

Corey and Cody both carried her to the diary room as everyone headed inside.

"That didn't look good," Sophia admitted, looking at the few people that had gone to the kitchen.

"Naw - she definitely broke somethin'." James commented, rubbing his nose.

Not even ten minutes later she came out of the diary room with crutches, Sophia felt bad but at the same time this was good for her. It gets rid of a big threat in comps for at least a week.


"Hey everybody! It's time for the Outback Steakhouse reward!"

Sophia was hoping to get picked, number one, she loved Outback Steakhouse. Two, her birthday was going to be later this week. Then again, Zakiya's birthday just passed, so it could either be Big Sister or Freakazoids.

"...I'll pick the Freakazoids."

Sophia smiled at her as everyone cheered for them.

"Happy early birthday, Soph." She giggled while Sophia's smile grew.

"Thanks!!" She giggled with her as her whole team took off to the bathroom to change and get ready.

Sophia went outside with a red and black checkered flannel, ripped jeans, and red high heels.

Sophia had decided to order barbecue ribs legitimately DROWNED in barbecue sauce.

This was heaven.

"Thank you god...' she smiled at the camera, folding her hands.

The chocolate cake was absolutely her favorite part, it was ridiculously good and she was so thankful to be eating.


"I have decided not to use the power of veto."

Sophia smiled; she had a chance to now turn the tables at take a shot at Bronte.

"This veto meeting is adjourned."


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