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"COME ON in, guys!"

Everyone seemed surprised that Caleb was gone, and Sophia didn't blame them. He was a beast in challenges and for him to go out on day 9 a second time was shocking.

"Alright," said Jeff, "you guys ready to get to today's reward challenge?"

"Today we're doing something different," said Jeff, "only two members of each tribe will run this challenge. Here's how it works."

"The first player will run through a series of obstacles while balancing a ball on the end of a pole. At the end of each leg you will add more pole to make it more difficult. Once you reach the end, the second player will use a ball to release a key. That will open a box. You will use the sandbags inside to knock down nine bamboo targets. First two tribes to finish win reward. Want to know what you're playing for?"

When everyone nodded, Jeff revealed the reward, "everything you need for a nice cup of coffee, including chocolate chip cookies."

Sophia licked her lips at the sight of fresh coffee. That had been one of her cravings for days, and now it was right in front of her. She was getting that reward and she was do it herself.

"Second tribe to finish, tall glass of iced coffee. Last tribe to finish, nothing."

Of course those little shits put her with Culpepper.

Clearly they were trying to piss her off. Right?

Luckily she didn't have to put up with his whiny shit and she was carrying the ball, not him. He was throwing sandbags.

She also couldn't help but notice that she was the only girl playing in this challenge... huh.

"For reward, survivors ready: GO!"

Sophia placed the ball on the pole and started quickly going over and under the hurtles, making fast work of the first section.

Sophia then went to untie her second section of her pole and put them together. Just looking at the height of the pole made her nervous when she placed her ball on top.

She carefully started crossing the balance beam, neck and neck with J.T, she noticed, though Ozzy was way ahead on the third section.

She also noticed that Cody was watching her carefully from his spot since he had been picked for his tribe to do sandbags.

When she got off the second section, so did J.T, and she quickly untied her third section, trying to pass him somehow.

She placed the ball on top of the very tall pole and slowly walked up the balance beam, the zig zags making her wobble at every edge she passed. All she was thinking was that she better look damn good on TV.

When she finally got off of the third section, she passed the ball to Culpepper, who then went to unlock the box of sandbags.


Sophia now just had to watch Culpepper, who seemed to be smoking the bamboo targets right now, getting one, two, three, four, fifth—

This man was a fucking animal.

Soon Culpepper only had one left—

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