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EDITED AS OF 5/17/2021


"Well everyone, I think it's safe to say that this summers twist has just ended. The double HOH twist is now dead. But only for the next hour. That's because tonight is double eviction night. Plus, the first person evicted tonight, will be the first member of the jury. But just because you're voted out, doesn't mean you're out of the game."

It was time to vote after that. Apparently now people were keen on keeping Zach now, but she wasn't having it. She didn't want to.

She was called into the diary room last after Cody, who gave her a small peck on the lips.

"Sophia is in the detonators, but it sounds like her goals are different than theirs."

"Hi Sophia."

"Hiya Julie!"

"Please cast your vote to evict."

"I happily vote to evict Zach Attack." She made hand signals like a gator.

"Thank you."

She left the diary room, then sat down next to Cody, who traced her arm in slow, soothing circles.

Julie came up on the screen to announce the vote.

"With 6 votes to evict, Jocasta you are evicted from the Big Brother house."

Zach started clapping, but Sophia went to hug Jocasta because although she wasn't too close with her, she stuck with her through a lot.

She left, and no one except Sophia even looked at Jocasta's picture turn black and white.

She was sort of pissed off about it, because everyone deserves some respect as they leave the BB house and everyone else got it, not Jocasta.

She made it far for a minister in a house full of cursing.

{9:30 PM}

It seemed like a trivia competition, either trivia or memory. Sophia was good at trivia, but her memory, as said earlier, was absolute shit.

She knew a few people wouldn't be much problem in the competition, such as Caleb and Victoria. She expected to do well.

First round, quite a lot of people were knocked out. It was only Sophia, Christine, Caleb, and Zach left now, the answer was exactly. She didn't have a clue how Caleb answered right, but he did. Somehow.

Next round, only Christine and Caleb were still in, the answer was less, and Zach and Sophia both thought it was exactly.

Round three, both got it right.

Round four, somehow Caleb out of all people.. won a mental comp? What? That's not possible—

Whatever. Sophia hugged him, teasingly jumping on his back and getting a piggy back ride into the house.

"Hi mom!" Sophia yelled.

A few minutes later after commercial break, it was time for Caleb to nominate two people. He nominated Hayden, who she seriously didn't want on the block, and Donny, who she was more okay with, but it was still sort of sad.

Sophia was not in the veto competition, sadly.

It was Christine, Caleb, Hayden, Donny, Zach, and Victoria. Everyone was in the ball pit, literally destroying it.

So far, Zach had two and Donny had one.

She was rooting for Hayden at this point, but if not him then maybe Donny.

Donny grabbed his other two pretty quickly, then pressed his buzzer.

She was proud of that man, she wasn't going to lie at all about it. He was like, she couldn't remember, maybe 42 or something, and he can do things better than a lot of people?

That deserves a lot of props.

Minutes later, Donny started the veto meeting, saving himself. Clearly.

Caleb put Nicole next to her quote on quote boyfriend, and Sophia was going to lose a tight ally no matter what. She would rather it be Hayden more than Nicole, she loved Nicole, and though she loved Hayden as well, Nicole was better for her game.

Cody had obviously been unsure about who to evict, so she whispered to him.

"Hayden." She whispered as quietly as she could. He nodded and went into the diary room.

Sophia went in right after him.

"Hi Sophia!"

"What's up Julie?"

"Please cast your vote to evict."

"I sadly vote to evict my fellow blonde friend Hayden."

"Thank you."

Right after, they announced the vote.

"By a vote, of 6-2, Hayden, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house."

Sophia got straight up, hugging Hayden, as he left the house.

Nicole immediately started arguing with Zach and Christine. Sophia came up to her defense of course, she was her best friend after all.

It was gonna be a long week in the BB house.

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