TripleEz still exists/Alan is OK!

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How many of you completely forgot about poor Alan. Well, he turned up at the meeting hall - taking everyone by surprise - and declared that TripleEz wouldn't be able to silence him or what he stood for. Magister called the meeting to session. Because TripleEz is a secretive person, sorry thing, there was very little to say. The first (and only) point covered was the posting of two photos on Facelessbook. It was TripleEz's account. It was not a hoax. We asked the AI and the AI spied on TripleEz while he/she/it/they were posting the photos. See? Being a robot does have upsides. Remember, if you want to translate your conciousness into a stream of code and be placed inside a cold, unfeeling shell of metal there are numerous companies but check their license against the list of Galacticly Approved Cybernetic Converters. Don't mess it up.

So. Those photos. They were interesting. Just to get that out there. There was no writing, whether Latin or otherwise, on them but I think that you might be able to buy them as postcards in the official store set up by the official kidnappees of TripleEz. Be careful of that organization.

Photos/Facelessbook updates were as follows:

TripleEz was supposed to be in another race, this time a boat race against some recently rejuvenated Romans, but instead released images proving that they/he/it/she could be in two places at once (we made sure. It isn't just hypothetical.) One of those places was at the bottom of the ocean while the boats passed overhead. So, if you see a mysterious figure standing on the sea floor wearing none of the equipment normally used by those who make a habit of standing on the sea floor (like Stan but we don't talk about him) then it runs every chance of being TripleEz. What to do then? Slightly obvious. You run. You run and you scream and you hide and you pray that TripleEz doesn't find you. Actually you're probably out on the open ocean if you've found yourself in that situation so don't run. If you're Jay Suss and you can run on water then by all means run, but you probably aren't so don't run. Running bad. Running means puny human lungs fail and are engulfed in fluid. Don't run.

The other photo depicted TripleEz standing in a circle of light with the boat that she/it/he/they were going to race burning behind them. It was such a beautiful boat too! TripleEz's now former agent could be seen on the boat, tied to the mast, going down with his ship. We'll let you know if TripleEz hires anyone else. The unicorn bodyguard couldn't be seen in any of the pictures. Our condolences go to TripleEz's agent and a reminder to those who are foolishly (and fatally) considering taking his place: don't insist that your client has a boat race against Romans. She/they/it/he doesn't like it.

Hail the Robocalypse!


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