Why dolphins insist on wearing tutus/random celebratory messages

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Guess who? Your favorite non robot being! That's right, it's me! Or you can call me you. Or me. Actually, you know what? Just call me Ez. It is my name, after all and it's also a whole lot less confusing. You can call me me if you want to or you could call me you. Both work.

You know what I find really offensive? Those stupid dolphins who always wear those ridiculous pink skirts and insist that they look fabulous. They don't. I swear that I will violently slaughter the next beastie that crosses my path and burn its tutu on a massive pyre while dancing around wearing a tribal mask made from the dead dolphin's skin and screaming in sheer delight. I'll also be covered in blood and gore.

Actually, I might get Mysterious Ezila to draw a picture of that so I can stare at it and giggle to myself when life's getting me down.

Sugar! I like sugar! And... NERDS!!! I like strawberry laces! Ice cream is good! Ice cream is GOOOOOOOD!!! Something is so nice about... SUGAR!!!

I might be hyper. Oooh, hyyy-per. Cool word!!! I feel happy - like the world. Happy like everything should be! I love existence! I have NO IDEA who Ez is - I just started to do a special update but they sure sound like they know how to DO PARTAAAAAY!!!!!

What made me like this? What's wrong with meeee...

Wait. It's me again. Or you, whatevs. Just looking at that last piece from 'Zizi' and feeling slightly confused. Mainly the whole robot/sugar thing. Also there's the fact that I can hear music again. Either I'm losing it we're all cray cray here or something strange and potentially, well, strange is happening.


Oh and Mysterious Ezila's asking Fifi how she got me high. I DON'T THINK THAT MYSTERIOUS EZILA SPEAKS AS MANY LANGUAGES AS ME! MUHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!

Fifi says: pink sparkles. EZILA CAN'T TRANSLATE IT! SCORE ONE TO THE ZIZMEISTER! Wait. What am I on?

Ok. Translation. Bobby's sparkles? No. What's a non literal way of reading that?

It's sugar, you stupid robot. You said that it was sugar, like, five seconds ago. Still not certain that robots actually get high or how they'd have sugar.

Seriously, though. How did I get from blackmailing a genius into drawing a gorgeous and wonderful and above all inoffensive painting to ridiculous androids who are only digging themselves deeper wholes. Who cares that the artist is one of them? Not my problem...

Wait. Is this person who has somehow what it wasn't exactly hard gained access to this secure account interrupted this highly enjoyable but slightly aimless celebration just to insult our sense of humor and ability to have fun? I LIKE THEM ALREADY!!! PARTAAAY! SUGAR!!! PARTAAAAAAAAAAY!!!

Oh no. Gotta go. System overloading! System overloading! Need to move! Till the next one... Random hacker - do me a favor and sign off for me. Bye!

Well it sounds like the party is over folks. The music that may or may not be a figment of my imagination is fading... it fades and is gone and I doubt that I will ever understand it.Your usual reporter has been rushed away after an overdose of sugar. However that happened. Now I must return to my usual perch on the top of Ezila's wardrone.

I need to say the thing. Ummm...

Hail the Roboclypse?

That one!

ZiziTheRobot and Ez

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