50: House and Home

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As I tossed my backpack down on the hallway floor I finally caught my breath. He’d actually kissed me! I brought my hand up to my lips and touched them as they radiated heat. Again my body had reacted so oddly that I couldn’t begin to explain it. I didn’t care anymore. It could scream in fear and anger at anything it wanted to as long as it continued to let me feel this energy it did whenever I was with Collin. A small smile crossed my lips and I rested my back against the wall as I closed my eyes dreamily.

Would I be able to sit through class tomorrow and see him as only my teacher? I’d been able to pull through with it so far. Mr.Marrs. I had repeated in his name multiple times in my mind to make sure I’d remember who he was; my teacher. And his teacherly demeanor had only further helped my cause. But now this. Now I called him Collin and it had felt so natural, so right.

The sound of a car pulling up outside caused me to drift out of my happy buzz. Aiden had already come back and it was much sooner than I’d expected. My eyes drifted to my front door and the knob turned to reveal a small woman with darting eyes. Her auburn hair fell pin straight down to her shoulders and hung there in a curtain around her head. I met her eyes as they narrowed on me and she tilted her head to the side slightly. “Isadora.”

My gut lurched angrily and I found myself tempted to suddenly lurch at her. I forced a small smile instead as she took a step in and closed the door behind her. “Hi mom.”

“Where’s Aiden?” her eyes scanned the hallway and landed on my backpack that was thrown against the wall. I quickly scooped it up and slung it over my shoulder. Deep in my veins something shifted and I could feel my body going on edge.

“I’m not sure. He just left with some friends.”

She nodded slowly and removed her heavy jacket, hanging it carefully on the hook by the door. Again her eyes scanned me and I could practically feel her scrutinizing gaze at the jacket of Castin’s I was wearing trying to remove it with her eyes. Following the unsaid order I peeled off his jacket. She stepped aside as I strode towards her and hung the jacket two pegs over from hers. Same as always mom. I thought as I looked at Collin’s jacket I noticed for the first time I was still clutching in my hands. Her eyes landed on it as well and waited expectedly.

My fingers ran over the fabric slowly and I raised my eyes up towards hers. “Is Marissa home as well?” I asked instead as I walked away from the coat hooks. I couldn’t find it in me to part with his jacket. Instead I slung it over the crook of my arm and held it to my side. A slow amount of comfort tingled through me but it was quickly fought off by the burn in my gut that seared as I walked past my mom.

My mother nodded obviously not approving of my actions, but she didn’t say a word referring to them. “Yes, she is.”

I let out a little “oh.” and a nod before bounding up the stairway and into my room. I closed my door behind me and stood with my back resting against the door. She’s home. I repeated this in my head twice more. Aiden will be happy. When she hadn’t come on Wednesday like they’d originally told us they were we’d both doubted they’d come home at all this month. Yet there they were, home again. Aiden would be beyond happy.

I gave a smile as I pictured how his mood would lighten instantly with this knowledge. Aiden was always the happiest when they were home. He was their little golden boy. He always had been. I stepped forward and let myself fall onto my bed holding Collin’s jacket to my chest.

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