36: Bargaining Chip

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“I can’t let you harm her.” Mr .Marrs started and my body warmed at his voice. So much for everything being over by letting him know I knew what he was.

Matthew smiled. “You’re obviously fond of her if you’re on first names bases, but don’t worry Evans.” he said and looked down at Charles with a sad shake of his head. “Though he got a bit carried away we aren’t going to kill the girl. You can come visit her once we’ve gotten her temper in check if you’d like.”

Mr.Marrs stepped forward one step. “Tedur I can’t let you take her.”

“Oh my.” Matthew tsked his tongue and shook his head. “I don’t believe you have a choice in the matter. This is our sector after all. It would be against the clan’s rules.”

“I know that.” Mr.Marrs said as though pained. “But I won’t allow it.”

“There are harsh punishments for interrupting hunting in other’s territory Evans. You know this. It would end with her being confiscated anyways. Spare yourself the hassle and let me have her now. I’ll take care of her personally.”

Punishment? Mr.Marrs would get in trouble when all he’d wanted to do was help me. I’d come and ruined his world just because I was defective and he couldn’t set things right with my memory. “I’ll take my chances.”

His words surprised me. He was really willing to go against his own kind just for me? For some random girl? My heart soared and my body filled with adrenalin. I flexed my hands slowly as I started to let my limbs fill with the warmth of panic that they seemed to grow with in the presence of vampires. “If you’re really su-“

“Wait.” I interrupted Matthew and stepped out from around Mr.Marrs protective barrier.

“Isa-“ he started to say but I ignored him.

“I have a way we can settle this.” I said trying to make my nerves calm themselves a bit. What was I doing?!

“Go ahead, I’m interested.” Matthew waved for me to continue.

Don’t do this. My mind told me but when I looked over my shoulder to Mr.Marrs handsome face my mind set itself. I’d protect him from the trouble I’d caused him. There was no other choice. “You were observing, not feeding.” I said and shoved my blood covered hair behind my shoulders. “He was the one hunting.” I pointed down at Charles who glared up at me, now fully healed.

“This is true.”

“If I can take on Charles like I had been doing then it’s still following the natural order. If I beat him then it would be like I had escaped on my own.” I took a deep breath. “Let me go against him. No interference from you or M-“ I hesitated, catching myself, “Collin.”

Matthew smiled slowly. “I see what you mean. It would seem that this is quite the reasonable deal.” he nodded.

“I have some terms.” I stated before Mr.Marrs could object from behind me.

“Of course, go ahead.”

“No help from either one of you.” I started and refused to look over my shoulder at Mr.Marrs who I could already tell was just bursting to yell at me for my stupid idea. How could I think I could take on a vampire?! “If I win then you let Collin and I go. If I lose then you can have me and Collin is allowed to go. Either outcome no word of this can make it to the clan seeing as he isn’t interfering and is obeying your laws.”

With a grin Matthew tilted his head and eyed me slowly. “Very well. I’ll accept after we add my own terms. A win will be considered when one of you is unable to get up for ten seconds. There will be no kills,” at this he looked pointedly at Charles who hissed in response, “and lastly you must understand that after leaving our sector if you ever come back unaccompanied you are fair game once more.”

“Agreed.” I nodded.

“Isa don’t d-“ Mr.Marrs started from behind me and I jerked away from his hand as he rested it on my shoulder.

“Let me do this.” I told him looking dead in his eyes. “Let me do this for you.”

Matthew clapped once and I turned my eyes back to him. “Oh this turned out much better than I expected! I can see why Evans would try to protect you. You are quite the interesting one.” he stepped gracefully towards me and extended his hand my way.

I looked at it for a second then shook it with my dry blood covered hand. “Let’s get this over with.”

Charles looked to Matthew and, after getting a nod of approval got to his feet. “Evans I think you should come stand with me.” Matthew said on a second thought. “It’d be better to hold in any protective urge you seem you may have.”

“I won’t allow this!” Mr.Marrs yelled and I turned to give him a sad smile.

“It’s okay.” I tried to soothe him though my nerves were shaking madly. “I can’t go back now, I shook on it.”

Though Matthew chuckled at my dry sense of humor Mr.Marrs didn’t look any more pleased. In fact, he looked though a mix between insane rage and guilt. I peeled my eyes from him and turned to where Charles stood leering at me. “Are you ready then?” Matthew asked.

I nodded. “I am.”

Charles nodded as well. “Okay, then begin.”

{{ Readers~ Meeep I apologize for semi cliffhanger. But I will update again today/tomorrow so it won't last long. I just had to cut  the scene in two otherwise it's end up with less impact. I'll try not to do this too you.... too often. ;) Anywho Lovers ~Jade }}

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