39: In This Together

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The second the warm water hit my body my nerves jumped in the adrenaline they had been coursing with earlier. My eyes shot closed and I could picture warm blood all around me. With a teary gasp I slid into a sitting position and brought my knees up to my chest as I began to cry once more. Images of blood covering me filling my mind as the water washed at me. My body may have some superhuman anti vampire instincts but my nerves couldn’t handle it.

“Isa are you allright?” Mr.Marr’s soft concerned voice came from where he stood behind the door not wanting to push it open and invade my privacy.

“I’m fine.” I whispered hoarsely as my hands ran madly through my dripping wet hair as if trying to work the invisible blood out of it. “I’m just fine.”

As if sensing something was wrong I heard the door creak a little. “I’m coming in. Is that all right?” he asked hesitantly.

I tried to answer but a sob escaped my lips instead. The water splashing down on me from above like some punishment from god as the feeling of blood washed over me. Disgusting warm human blood. Before I could vision anymore the feel of the water ceasing to fall on me made me open my eyes. Mr.Marrs had come in and grabbed the shower head from the holder and held it now pointing towards the drain as he crouched beside the tub.

“What’s wrong?” he asked softly, his free hand forcing my hands to stop running unconsciously through my hair.

“It feels like blood.” I breathed. “It makes me feel like what I was before. I don’t want to be that. I want to be me.” I sobbed and covered my face with my hands. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me! My body, it’s betraying me.”

He ran his hand over my wet hair and I peered through my fingers as he sat beside the tub and turned the water warmth down. “Shh, it’s allright.” he cooed and pointed the cool water at my feet. “Does that feel better?” he asked and when I nodded moved it slowly up my leg. “What is your body doing Isa? Talk to me about it.”

I stared at his hands as he gently moved the shower head to wash my body with the cool water. “It’s upset.” I whispered. “It hates…it hates vampires.” I looked away not wanting to make eye contact. “That’s why I was suspicious of you in the first place. Ever since I first saw you my body wanted to-- it wanted to rip you apart like I was doing to-- to Charles.” Another fit of tears ran down my cheeks as I cried again.

“Does it hurt to be around me?” he asked gently.

I shook my head. “It did at first. My body hated you. I could tell where you were. It burned and screamed because of you.” I looked slowly over at him. “But now it feels safe. It trusts you.” I breathed. “When you came I thought I couldn’t stop.”

“Couldn’t stop what?” he urged me onwards.

I closed my eyes. “I couldn’t stop the bloodlust. I wanted to rip everything apart. My body, it wanted to kill them. All I wanted to do was tear them to shreds or die trying. It was like I was trapped in my own body.” I opened them and looked to his handsome gentle features again. “But when you came my body wouldn’t let me attack you. I wanted to, I didn’t know it was you. But I couldn’t.”

He nodded slowly. “Do you trust me Isa?”

“I do.” I breathed. “My mind and my insane body both do.”

“I need you to promise me something.” I looked up at him. “I need you to promise me if you ever need me you’ll call me like you did last night. Don’t think about what will happen to me, I’m strong for my kind. Just call for me.”

“Bu-“ I began to object but he cut me off.

“We’re in this together Isa.” he gave me a soft smile as he finished washing my slowly with the cool water, his eyes never leaving mine.

[[ Salutations Readers ~ Sorry this is a wee bit short, next one will be longer. <3  I'm looking for one editor for this story. Just one. If you're interested please send me a private message and I'll get back to you! You'll end up a chapter or two ahead of what I've posted since I need it edited/checked over before I post it. So I need to trust you won't give spoilers to people! If you're up for the task of giving me your opinion and minimal editing then give me a shout! Much Love ~ Jade ]]

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