33: A Creeping Feeling

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I gave a satisfied smile as I woke up Saturday morning. I had successfully avoided Shane and the dance. Things were looking better already. I swung my legs over the edge and got to my feet. After making my bed I grabbed up a handful of clothes and marched out of my room and into my bathroom. I tossed the clothes onto the floor and stripped of my nightgown before switching on my CD player and stepping into the shower.

The warm water washed all around me as I showered. My heart was dancing in my chests and my spirits high. I’d made it past the rough parts! I’d conquered having a vampire as a teacher. I’d avoided Shane with only a few speedbumps. My grades were fine. Aiden would be gone since it was the homecoming football game and I’d be working the busy lunch shift. Things were good. I even found myself singing along to one of my favorite songs that’d just come on.

“My love is my engine and you might be fuel,” I sang out as I washed the rest of the conditioner from my hair. “Stop acting coo-oooool, just bet you might win. I'm not too cruuuuuu-uellll!” I surprised myself as I let myself get a bit too into it. Embarrassed even though I was alone I shut off the water and climbed out of the shower.

Without thought I got dressed and ambled back into my room. I glanced around to make sure everything was in place then started to leave the room. “Money.” I reminded myself as I dug through my pants for the wad of bills I had. I withdrew the money clip and looked down at it in my hands. It was simple enough, just plain sterling silver. Perfect for holding the wad of random tips I made and always seemed to have with me.

I turned it over and ran my finger over the engraving on the front of it. “C. E.” was engraved into the metal in an intricate calligraphy. So Mr.Marrs had given me it. But ‘C. E.’ ? What did that stand for? As I fingered it again I noticed how worn the metal felt. Unsatisfied at the light in my bedroom I walked out into the hall to inspect the clip further. It surprised me to find that the metal looked as though it had been thoroughly used and the engraving was slightly imperfect and obviously hand done. “How old is this?” I wondered as I traced my fingers along the letters.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and so I returned the clip to the safety of my pocket making a mental note to return it to Mr.Marrs when I next saw him. He must have given me it on accident and meant to give me a different one. This one was obviously high quality and old. Probably something sentimental.

All through work I couldn’t help but zone out as I thought about what prank Castin and I would pull next. Perhaps we’d be childish and lace Aiden’s friends food with laxatives when they came over next? I snickered at the thought until I realized that more than likely my bathroom would end up being invaded as well. There had to be something we could do?

I finished work and hung up my apron with the others. “My phone!” I groaned as I remembered that it had vibrated earlier. I opened it up to see five missed calls and two text messages…all from Shane. Though I didn’t want to read the texts I decided it would be better if I just got it over with.


I saw what happened at lunch. Are you okay?

And after that

You should call me when you get the chance. I had something I’d like to ask you.

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