27: Malfunction

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Everything went black and I found myself waking to Mr.Marrs shaking me gently. “Isadora?” he asked softly. I looked back up at him and glanced around. How long had I been asleep this time? “You fell asleep.”

I nodded. “Oh.” I ran my hand through my hair and sighed. “Do you have to start over then?”

Mr.Marrs face flashed full of confusion. “What?”

“Did falling asleep interrupt making me forget?” I asked my cheeks flushing as I looked away. I couldn’t believe I’d fallen asleep.

“What do you remember?” his voice sounded harsh and my eyes darted back to his.

“Everything.” I said feebly. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to ruin it. Does it take a lot of effort to do? I-“

“Everything went as it should have. You just didn’t have your memories rewritten. Which I don’t understand. It should work.” he eyed me frustrated.

I sighed. “I’m sorry. Maybe I’m just broken or something?”

He sat back into the couch and ran his hand over his hair. “Well this was unexpected.”

I watched the pained look to his face. The worry his eyes held. “I’m sorry.” I whispered causing him to look at me. “I didn’t mean to complicate things. I didn’t think it was real. I only pursued it as something to do. I hadn’t thought about what would happen from it.” His lips turned up in a sad smile as he listened to me.

“You’re apologizing to me?” he asked sounding slightly amused. “I’m the one who has bitten you and involved you in a world you shouldn’t even know about. The blame is on me.”

“I made you bite me.” I pointed out tersely. “I practically forked myself into your mouth for gods sake.”

He sighed. “Blood shouldn’t have that affect on me Isadora. I’ve trained myself for it not to matter. Yours just…it was different. I knew the first time I saw you. In all of the students who sat at the auditorium the only blood I could smell was yours. No, not even smell it I could feel it.” Again he ran his hand through his hair. “That should have been the first warning to stay away. But it only made me more curious and I never passed up an opportunity to be around you.”

“Feel it?” I asked in a soft breath.

He nodded his eyes meeting mine as they pulsed blue. “The life around you, I can feel it. Like a constant buzzing energy that flows through you. It’s almost like a whisper of voices. No matter how many other people are in the room I can sense where you are. I can hear not just your heartbeat but the energy that makes it move.”


He groaned. “I don’t have any idea. None at all. But it didn’t help when you went and got the scent of your blood in the air. I couldn’t even control myself. It was the worst feeling of helplessness I’ve ever felt.”

“I’m sorry.” I whispered and looked away feeling incredibly guilty. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for-“

“I’m the one thirsting for your blood and you’re apologizing to me?” he chuckled and shook his head. “You never cease to amaze me.”

“About that,” I looked to him again, “why did my neck heal so fast but this one won’t?” I held up my bandaged hand.

This time Mr.Marrs looked embarrassed. “I am sorry about that.” he apologized and held out his hand with his palm up. I set my hand in his and watched as he slowly unwrapped it. “I didn’t have time to heal it before you pulled away and I realized what I was doing.”

My skin burned at his touch. My nerves screamed out angrily but my mind shooed them away. Mr. Marrs looked up at me as he lowered his lips to my finger. I watched as his warm soft tongue touched the scabs that had began to form where he had bitten. The dried blood disappeared on his tongue and he pulled back his head to look down at his work. The scab had healed and now only the soft light look of scar tissue where his teeth marks had been remained.

“Since I didn’t get it right away there is some slight scarring, I apologize.”

I tilted my head and looked down at my hand amazed. “So you lick it better. Kinda like a dog?” I couldn’t help but say and hold in a giggle that threatened to come out as I did.

His eyes narrowed. “That’s actually a myth, about the dogs.” he said flatly not appreciating my joke.

I shrugged. “Thank you.” I looked around nervously. “So- what now?”

“Does Aiden know?” he didn’t miss a beat to ask me quickly.

I shook my head. “No. It’s not exactly something you can tell people. That you’ve got a vampire as a teacher.”

His face looked relieved as he relaxed a bit more. “So only you know then?”

Castin. Oh god Castin knew. How could I explain this to him? “Err..” I mumbled feeling guilty.

“Yes Isadora?” he asked and his teacher voice surprised me.

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