5: Dreamlike Whispers

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I rose from my bed and opened my eyes to the darkness in my room. There was a reason I had woken, I was sure of it. I slung my legs over the side of my bed and stood, stretching my arms.

There it was again. My name. I could hear it as clearly as though it was spoken from someone next to me. Automatically I walked to the open window and listened. It was as though the wind itself was calling my name.

I listened hard but it was gone. Without thinking I slipped on a pair of slippers and left my room. Quietly as I could, I left my house stepping out onto the streets. I walked past Aiden’s car and down the street. I was in nothing but my lace nightie.

My name didn’t come again. Every fiber in my body tingled and this time I decided not to ignore it. I paid careful attention to it. It felt as though the left most side of my body was in danger mode. Perhaps it was a stupid idea, ,but I decided that was the way to go.

I continued to follow my body’s signs. I made my way down the streets ignoring the whistles and comments people made as I passed them. It was like the world didn’t exist to me. It was 2am on a Wednesday night and I was walking downtown in my nightie.

My mind was in a dream like state as I stepped onto the sand of the beach. I was getting close now, I was certain of it. My entire body was crawling with nervousness and anxiety. Then I heard my name again, only it was much closer this time.

“Who is Isadora Clayson?” the voice wrapped around me, sinking into every pore of my skin as I climbed over the ledge of rocks and onto the moist sand of the other side. There Mr. Marrs stood.

He spun to face me, an expression of beyond surprise sat upon his handsome face, and his eyes scanned me. Even in the dark he looked perfect. Only there was something different about him. His movements were fluid and graceful as he approached me, stopping but a foot away.

My body screamed ‘run woman!’ at the top of it’s lungs but I couldn’t obey. I didn’t want to obey. Our eye met and the swirling seafoam color of his eyes seemed to pulse as he gazed at me.

“Isadora?” he asked in barely a whisper. My mind flashed and I forced myself to give a slow nod.

Mr. Marrs slowly began to walk in a tight circle around me. I could feel his eyes scanning me hungrily as he went. My stare remained to the spot he had been standing in moments ago. He finished his circle of me, standing in the spot that my eyes were already on.

“Why are you here?” he asked slowly, stepping forwards towards me so we were but inches away.

I took a slow steady breath. “You called for me.” I answered simply. I was unaware of how else to put it. When I had heard my name I simply felt the mental tug to come, even though my body didn’t entirely agree. I was dying to ask ‘why are you here?’ but I couldn’t find the voice to say it.

Mr. Marrs reached forward and my skin heated up at his touch as he grasped my shoulder and turned me slowly. “You shouldn’t have come.” he said in a low voice. My body quivered as he wound one of his muscular arms securely around my waist. With his free hand he ran his fingers through my long golden brown hair a few times before grasping onto a handful and gently pulling my head to the left to expose the rightmost side of my neck.

“I know.” I whispered softly. My heart was beating wildly in my chest, Every thump it made ring in my ears. I had the urge to spin and face him. To shove him from me and fight him. I pushed this idea from my mind. It was purely asinine. Were I to push him I don’t think he’d move.

He felt so strong. So sturdy. So muscular. I could feel his hard chest pressed tightly up against my back. I could feel the smooth curves of his biceps against my sides. His strong hand grasping onto my waist. His perfect body so close to mine.

Where our skin touched it tingled with a strong sensation of warmth. Every cell in my body screamed out in warning on the other hand, and I didn’t know as to why. I enjoyed the sensation of his touch as much as my body feared it. Was I really going insane?

The sensation of Mr. Marr’s lips on my neck caused my heart to flutter. He was kissing my neck. Of any woman this masterpiece of a man could have, it was my neck he was now kissing. I took immense pleasure at this simple fact.

Then came the soft touch of his teeth resting on my skin. I wanted nothing more than for him to gently nibble upon my neck, for his teeth to tease my skin. I yearned for the pleasure of his lovebites.

I could hear now his panting as his mouth clung to my neck. Ever so gently his tongue teased at my skin. His breaths quickened as did my own. Did he want me as I wanted him? This man, whom I knew as nothing more than my teacher, I suddenly desired to have.

But he did not grant my neck a nibble. Instead I was pushed forward, tumbling to the ground before him. The cold water from the shore line greeted my legs as a small wave crept up then snuck away.

I looked up at Mr. Marrs standing above me. He was many more feet away from me then he had been seconds ago. His eyes met mine holding an animalistic hunger to them. “I. . . I cannot.” he said through clenched teeth.

I laid my head back in the sand without a word. Had I done something wrong? Was it something about me?

I refused to move an inch. I simply laid there letting wave after wave submerge my legs and creep up to where it barely touched my cheek. I lay in the sand with a feeling of emptiness. I had been rejected. 

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