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My foot starts uncontrollably  tapping as I wait for the clock to read 5:30. It has been a long work week full of redesigning social media platforms and all I want to do is go home and get ready for the bonfire. 

I'm imagining myself curled up on a chair with Alex's arms wrapped around me. The cool ocean breeze causes me to shiver, but the heat from the fire and Alex's body keeps me warm. I think about all of the s'mores I am going to stuff my face with, not caring about all of the calories set out to destroy my week of healthy eating. It grosses Alex out that I like to set my marshmallows on fire before making a sandwich with graham crackers and chocolate, but s'mores just do not taste as good without an oozing marshmallow center. 

As soon as the clock hits 5:30 I grab my bag and rush out the door. Once I get inside my apartment I grab a chair and blanket and book it to my car to drive towards the beach as fast as I can, which isn't all that fast considering I'm driving through Costa Mesa to Newport in heavy work traffic. Once I park and head toward the fire pits, I can vaguely see the outline of Alex and the rest of the crew. While Chase is working on the fire, I see that Alex, Luke, and Bennett are unfolding chairs, Jen is watching Chase with curious eyes as the flame gets bigger and bigger, and Ryan and Haley are curled up on a blanket. 

"Leah! Over here!" Alex beckons as I approach the group. He holds me in a warm embrace and I can already smell the mix of salt and ash on him. Usually I can't stand the smell, but everything is better if it involves Alex. 

"Chase!" A familiar voice yells from the direction of the parking lot. My face heats with excitement once I realize that it's Gabby's voice. I miss her more than anything and I want nothing more than to have another chance to get our friendship back. 

When she approaches the fire I realize that she's not alone. She's walking hand in hand with someone. That someone being Emily. My heart flutters at the sight of them. Even though Gabby and I didn't manage find our way back to one another I'm happy that she has the girl that she loves by her side. 

"Thanks for coming, Gabby," Chase says as he wraps his arms around her. "And I finally get to meet the girl you can't stop talking about. I'm Chase." He extends a hand to Emily and she takes it, smiling."

"Let's start making s'mores and getting drunk!" Bennett yells from his chair. "I've had a long week and I'm ready to have it wiped from my memory."

Luke opens an ice chest and starts handing out beers. Everyone gladly accepts except for Gabby and I. 

"Are you driving?" Gabby asks as she takes a seat in the chair next to me.

"Unfortunately. I told Alex I'd drive us back tonight. What about you?"

"I'm in the same boat. I figure since Emily doesn't know anyone it would be nice for her to have a drink to calm the nerves."


Once the sun sets and we are in darkness, only illuminated by the bright flames of the bonfire, Gabby and I take it upon ourselves to make s'mores for all of our drunk friends. We create a system. I am the designated marshmallow roaster and Gabby gets the graham crackers and chocolate ready in perfect sandwich form. I put a marshmallow on a skewer and put the entire thing into the flame. 

"Woah Leah. You know how much I hate that!" Alex teases, slightly slurring his speech. 

"Uh Alex? You know that letting the marshmallow set on fire is the proper way to make a s'more. If you don't let it burn it won't be hot enough to melt the chocolate," Gabby says with her attitude that I have always loved. Now we have something to bond over, even if it is only the way we roast marshmallows. 

"Ha! Told you so." I hand him a s'more that is beyond scorched. He looks at it with disgust, but still manages to devour it within five seconds. 


As I sit in Alex's lap with his chin resting on my shoulder, his subtle hint of facial hair tickling my neck, I can finally relax and enjoy the weekend. For once in my life, things are going exactly as planned. My dad loves Alex. Alex's parents love me. I'm becoming friends with Gabby again. And ever since dinner at Alex's house, Chase makes an effort to talk to me, almost like old times. 

Suddenly my thoughts are disrupted by the sound of a phone ringing. Chase pulls it out of his pocket and looks at the caller ID on the screen.

"Come on man, no one leaves their ringer on anymore. Put that shit on silent," Ryan says as he takes a sip of another beer. 

"Shut up." Chase slowly presses the answer button after tapping on every other part of the screen. I can tell that he is probably past his normal drinking limit. 

"Hello?" Chase elongates the second half of the word and laughs to himself. 

After a few seconds of silence on his end, closely listening to whoever is on the other end of the line, his phone drops and his face shows signs of complete shock. His mouth is slightly ajar and his eyes are perfect circles, open as wide as they can possibly be, almost as if he has just seen a ghost. 

"Chase, what is it?" I ask. When he doesn't respond I run over to him and place my hands on both of his shoulders, shaking him back to the present moment. "What's wrong?"

The once laughing group of drunk friends is completely silent, all focused on Chase. 

"Chase, talk to me. What happened?" I ask again, pushing onto my tiptoes to look him in the eye. 

"My dad." A single tear runs down his cheek. "He had a heart attack."

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